09 July 2010 @ 01:56 pm

Current Mood: melancholy
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쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang: awz - bergmann sisters are sad[info]sdk on July 10th, 2010 06:55 pm (UTC)
You know, I've looked at this so many times. I click every time I check my flist. IDK WHY. MASOCHIST MUCH? But I just realized I never commented. Probably because by the time I reach the end I'm just A MESS OF SALTY BITTER TEARS.

Nothing different about this time. Excuse me while I sob all over your shoulder.

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RedCouchAddict: AWZ - Deniz is sad[info]redcouchaddict on July 11th, 2010 07:27 am (UTC)
*pets your hair while you cry* oh BB, I'm sorry. I was just listening to that song and all I could think of was Deniz. He breaks me so much BB, so much! <333333 I blame it on this down time I have. It makes do and feel things. :'(
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