16 June 2010 @ 03:07 pm
NDFUG: In The Blood  
Author: Spaghettitoes
Title: In The Blood
Rating: PG-15
Cautions: If you've seen any half decent horror film from the 70s you're fine, if not you could be weirded out by the child. Slight spoilery implied for a beloved cast member.
Characters: Celine, Oliver.
Disclaimer: I have no association with or influence over RTL or AWZ....this is probably a very good example of why.
A/N: I like horror and forget that there are a host of people out there who don't. To someone like me this is a relatively innocuous S/L and of everything this challenge is producing I doubt this is the scariest.

A bead of sweat scored a line through her make-up as Celine looked into the boot of her car; it had been more than she thought she could lift but she was wrong. In fact, today was quite the day for proving just what a pregnant woman was capable of when she set her mind to it. She warmly laid her hand on the top of her stomach and smiled happily as the child within kicked in response.

It had taken a while to understand, to realise just how strong the bond between mother and child could be. Lying alone in the dark she had felt the first time the life inside her moved; every night she would lie and listen to the darkness, to her thoughts and the lines had blurred.

When the first thoughts came to her from the child she immediately ran to the bathroom, an unnatural retching in her stomach and her mind. She didn’t know what had repulsed her, the sensation or the idea but both grew on her in time.

As much as the child was a Steinkamp it was hers and nothing was stronger than the bond between them.

Dealing with Zoe had been difficult but her unborn child had no qualms finding another boarding school for its sister. After all, it was in their mother’s best interests. As was the lesson Richard received for abandoning them and crawling back to his wife. Zoe had called her a bitch, Richard said she was insane, Marian had glared at her – declaring she was just like Jenny and would have nothing more to do with her.

The only person who had listened to her, who had sympathetically tried to understand, was Oliver. He had been such a loyal friend to her and she knew he was unhappy, that he hadn’t been happy in a while. For a moment she had questioned if this was the right way to thank him but then her child had stirred and all doubt faded.

Bending her knees she squat down to pick up her bag, standing upright with a sigh of relief and waddling to the car. She carefully placed the bag beside Oliver’s stomach and smiled at him reassuringly, “This will be much easier if you’d trust me Oliver.”
He mumbled against the tape across his mouth, kicking in the ropes that bound his arms and legs.
Celine smiled, “It’s a long trip, you’ll change your mind!” Stretching up she grabbed the edge of the lid and slowly pulled it down, “And once you see Lars again, you’ll thank me.”

Current Location: The Office
Current Mood: calm
Current Music: tappity-tap
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Amilee[info]amilee123 on June 16th, 2010 03:16 pm (UTC)
Squicking at thought of Celine offspring...icky. And you were right: I have not seen any horror films from the 70s and I was weirded out by the child... but, I think that's maybe what you were going for y/y? So bravo and well done! And "the child" is an Olars shipper!!! *snickers between squicks*
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Christine: IngoBlues[info]spaghettitoes on June 16th, 2010 03:43 pm (UTC)
Yes, wifey had a look over this for me but was creeped out too. It's times like these I realise just how desensitised I am to horror but I am at least at hand for reassuring hugs and checking there are no monsters under your bed.
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geekchick1013: AWZ EEEK![info]geekchick1013 on June 16th, 2010 03:40 pm (UTC)

I do love that RiCi baby ships Olars tho. Hee.

I have to admit, for a minute there I thought you were going with something a lot sicker, like the baby makes Celine a cannibal and then pops out as a zombie/monster baby or sth. o.0 I've seen too many horror movies, obvs.
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Christine: OlarsVsCanon[info]spaghettitoes on June 16th, 2010 06:00 pm (UTC)
bwhahaha! I think I've seen that movie!!!
Sufficiently scaring for a horror fan?

And EVERYONE ships Olars, they are canon!
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geekchick1013: AWZ Zombie Bulle[info]geekchick1013 on June 16th, 2010 06:15 pm (UTC)
Actually what it made me think of was Mordred from the Dark Tower books, and Susannah eating the frogs and stuff *shudder* I can totes picture Celine stumping around all "Richard Jr. is a-hongry!" and attacking Essenites.

GAH! I just freaked myself out. I'll stop now o.0
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wildepet: Brain_outoforder[info]wildepet on June 16th, 2010 03:53 pm (UTC)
*points to icon* This is what you do to my brain, wifey. Evil Steinkampian demon spawn! How could you!? I just finished watching two seasons of Supernatural! I get paranoid when the kids roam the flat at night! *hides bucket of salt under desk*
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Christine: DeanWhat[info]spaghettitoes on June 16th, 2010 06:05 pm (UTC)
Well first we gotta make a circle of salt around you (silly, it's doing no good under your desk)....I shall place the kids under a hypnotic spell to stop bed time wanderings and then give you a big safety huggle *squeeze* and I told you, my brain is always on offer, it's so rarely used.
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쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang: awz - roman plots your death[info]sdk on June 16th, 2010 04:34 pm (UTC)
Hahahahahaha! Oh as if Celine wasn't demented enough, now she's got the evil spawn child! I thought this was going to be much worse, srsly--something like what geekchick said above, but clearly I've watched too many horror movies as well. ;) And now I want to know what she did to Richard for revenge! My poor sweet dear.

(The child does have a plan for getting Stella out of the way though, right? XD)
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Christine: OnMyList[info]spaghettitoes on June 16th, 2010 06:09 pm (UTC)
Hahaha! There is such a chasm between horror fans and non-horror folk!

But I'm afraid I cannot disclose Richard's whereabouts or that of any specific organs. And yeah, I'm pretty sure the spawn has a plan for everyone... *hides*
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Aldi: AWZ: Roman says EW.[info]aldiara on June 16th, 2010 08:55 pm (UTC)
Hahhahahahahah omg Christine! I kept expecting Richard's head to be in the bag. Clearly I watch too many horror movies as well, LOL!

Celine AND evil conscious mindmelded spawn?? *shudders* I'm so glad she's leaving. Soz, Oliver, I love you, but we'll write you off as collateral damage. Axel's already drawing up the paperwork.
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Diana: hypnosis[info]notoriouslyuniq on June 17th, 2010 12:39 am (UTC)
But I thought Celine already had Evil Spawn!!! *confuzzled*

(my poor Dr Sommer *sniff*)
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G: BabyGoByeBye[info]giorgiakerr on June 19th, 2010 08:26 am (UTC)
DEVILSPAWN! DEVILSPAWN! *clings to Brother2's collection of crappy 70's horror films*
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