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I don't know who will read this, who will folow it...

I'm a male in my mid 40's. Just got back into a career as a university professor, and am in the process of trying to figure out my life. I have kids from a previous marriage that live 2000 miles away from me. I guess you do what you can to get work when you can, but its hard. The separation is gauling and leaves me wanting...

I used to be a "player" when I was young, but in my adult life I have been a "serial monogomist" for the most part. I was with the same woman for 8 years, the one who mothered my kids, but she fell in love with a woman and now I am back in the non-permanent relationship world. Our split happened over 4 years ago and I can say I am over that relationship.

I started another relationship about 2 years ago. She is a wonderful woman, but is a professional actor and we have a long distance relationship. Until recently, I never thought of another woman...until recently...

My blog will be about feelings, situations (some non-graphically sexual), and the state of my being human. I hope it is something people can relate to. I think love and yearning are so much of our American landscape that we end up denying and hiding from the rich and powerful drives that churn in our guts while, at the same time lifting us to new heights.

This is my story and how it stands today. More to come...
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