May. 10th, 2020


WHO Marian & Guy
WHEN 1996
WHERE A diner in Los Angeles
WHAT an easy date
WARNINGS actually very little

Change all the rules to the game from what they were in my day )

May. 6th, 2020


WHO Maid Marian & Guy of Gisbourne
WHEN 1996
WHERE Los Angeles
WHAT Awww, you're not so bad really.
WARNINGS tba, maybe nothing too bad?

... )

Jan. 21st, 2011


Who: Poseidon, Amphitrite and Guy of Gisborne
What: Gala event, the new guy meets Amphitrite without knowing she's married. :O
When: 10 years ago
Where: Some fancy hotel or something
Warnings: Cursing, threats, near neck snapping
Notes: posting order can go whoever hits first?

Honey, who says I have to stay at your side?  )

Jul. 25th, 2012


Who: Guy of Gisborne and Poseidon
Where: Poseidon's work building/office
What: The new guy
When: 10 years ago (my you boys haven't aged at all!)
Warnings: Language at most, maybe a little scuffling