Nov. 3rd, 2008


Ugh... I know...

Not another one, but here it goes. I lost my muse for Amaterasu. It bothers me because most of the gods around are Greek, and she at least was one of the minorities, a Japanese sun goddess. The thing is, I don't know shit about the Japanese culture, and I realized when a friend of mine was talking about Shintoism and I said, "What's that?" That I probably shouldn't be playing Amaterasu who is a Shinto goddess. :: sighs :: Yeah.

However! I'm still keeping Aphrodite! She's not going anywhere. I knew as soon as I played with her in the party thread that she was here to stay. I've never actually played a character like her before now, and I really enjoy it. I just need to sift through a couple things for another role play before I get really active with her, but I promise that time with come.

Sorry about dropping another character, but at least I'm still keeping one.

Jase! You butt-head! You didn't email me about the incomplete thread list. >=(


Hey, everyone!

I'm really sorry to be doing this, but due to a new family commitment, I'm not going to be able to handle playing Athena anymore. All the best to all of you, and maybe I'll see you guys around RP-land somewhere in the future. I think most of you can find me at the other game, and for those of you who aren't a part of it, you can use my email or AIM anytime.


Oct. 30th, 2008


Dietre and Eos! :D

When do you two think you'll be joining the Vishnu and Hestia thread?

Oct. 27th, 2008


Day 3

Today is Wednesday
Late-September, 2008


Hi: 70° Lo: 55°
Sunny and clear. Highs in the low 70s. Northeast winds 8 to 12 mph.
Clear in the evening. Lows in the mid 50s. West winds 5 to 10 mph.



Incomplete Threads )

Oct. 22nd, 2008



So I am in the throes of a yucky bugly type sickness. I was trying to get better before my turn was up on the party thread but guess what! I didnt. :(

I promise to hurry and get well.


Hello All! I'm Kris and I am new here to this lovely place. I bring with me the Goddess Selene in all her Lunar Glory! I look forward to playing with y'all and know I should have history with a few of you considering she has kids with Zeus and her sister Eos is in play. Selene is a bit on the...loner side of things being once the soul incarnate of the moon. She now goes by Monday Shephard and works with a children's psychiatric ward. Lunacy falling under many of the lovely things once atributed to Selene.

So she is I think just getting to the apartments!

Oh and I can be found on redheartedqueen on AIM. But my settings I have to add you ya.


I'm sorry all that I haven't been around. I had a family member pass away, and things have been rather emotional for me lately. I hate to say this as well, but I'm just not feeling Bast or Hel anymore either so I think I'm going to bow out of the game.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

<3 Lala
Tags: ,

Oct. 14th, 2008



Okay...I think we are still a little tangled up! LOL! The loverly Bast just posted get things back in line, could Isis go next, followed by Eos, Angus...skip Bast, then post Dionysus, Aphrodite, Odin, Zeus.

Then we will be ready to go back to our normal posting order of Hestia, Isis, Eos, Angus, Bast, Dionysus, Aphrodite, Odin and Zeus.

LOL...who knew a party had to be so orderly?
Tags: ,


The Party Thread

So, did the party thread lose steam or did extras coming in confuse everyone as far as who goes next? I think Isis should go next. The new additions just hopped in line so that next time around we will keep the same order (except Lulu ~lol~ is back so Bast will be in there and :( poor lil Dionysus will get a turn) How about Bast and Dio go right before Aphro on the next round? Sound good?

Tags: ,

Oct. 12th, 2008


And I posted this in the wrong place first so...yeah.

I'm back and really behind on homework. I will try to get to replies tonight, but if not I will do them in the morning. I'm sorry for the delay all!

Oct. 10th, 2008


Sad Goodbye

Unfortunately, due to some personal circumstances, Misery will no longer be playing with us. He will be missed. Thank you for your understanding.


Request Concerning Tags and the Incomplete Thread List

Hey everyone!

Kathryn here. I’m the mun of Aphrodite [info]love_manifest and Amaterasu [info]golden_sun.

I have a request to make!

As you know, our lovely moderators ((Ally, Jase, and Mark)) do a great job with running the show and keeping things organized. Before this role play started, I volunteered to do the incomplete thread list because that’s what I do in their other role play. It just makes things a bit easier on them, and I enjoy doing it.

Many of you may have noticed tags popping up under each and every thread after a fashion. I also keep track of those. I wanted to thank everyone who helps me out by adding their own tags to their posts. I’m not chastising those who don’t, though, because it’s not difficult for me to just click and type a few things for them.

You may have also noticed that the tags on the RPG always display the Day, the name of the deity/mortal, the mortal alias of the deity, the pantheon of the deity/or if the character is mortal. You might have also seen that the word Active or Complete is also tagged onto a thread?

Well, I was wondering if it wouldn’t be too much to ask if you guys just left the Active/Complete tag alone? I haven’t had anyone actually update that portion of the tags. I just thought I would ask before it ever happens.

I should explain. When I do the Incomplete Thread List, I always go through the list of Active role plays. If the status in the text doesn’t say Complete/Finished, I leave it alone. If a new status of Complete/Finished is added, I change the tag on the post to say Complete. Soon enough there will also be a tag of Acomplete. That’s just to let ME know that the thread is, in fact, complete, but the status has yet to be changed to fit that. I update all of this in a Word file and mail it off to Jase the evening before the Day Change. This is so he can have that list and add it to the Day Change Post. If people start changing the tag to complete themselves, it sets me back a little, and I have to take the time to find the post and all that jazz.

I hope it isn’t too much trouble for me to ask this of you. Feel free to add or not add the other tags ((name/alias/day/pantheon)) yourself. I just need the Active/Complete/Acomplete tags left alone for me to change myself.

Thanks everyone. I really appreciate it. ^^_^^

~Kathryn ((Amaterasu Omikami[info]golden_sun and Aphrodite [info]love_manifest))

Oct. 9th, 2008


Question to mods:

Does the apartment have a pool or gym or things of that nature?

EDIT: 3rd Annual Gift Swap if anyone here is interested!

Oct. 6th, 2008


Day 2

Today is Tuesday
Mid-September, 2008


Hi: 67° Lo: 49°
Sunny and clear. Highs in the upper 60s. Northeast winds 10 to 15 mph.
Clear in the evening. Lows in the upper 40s. West winds 5 to 10 mph.



Incomplete Threads )


Alright lovies. I just wanted to let you all know that I'll be going out of town from Thursday-Sunday this next week for a wedding. However, I'll be in a hotel where there is wireless, and I'll have my laptop with me.

So, I'll try really hard to post those days but I make no promises.



EDIT: I'll be deleting Hel's post, and putting it up when the day change happens. Silly Lala forgot that the day change would be happening soon. lol


Hey guys,

This is just a note to let people I’m still around and to apologize for not posting last week. Busy workplace and no internet at home = bad. I will post tomorrow however and hopefully (fingers crossed) I will have internet after this coming weekend.


Oct. 5th, 2008


Its Jason here!

With my second character, Dionysus, Zeus' son and the god of wine and all things wild and crazy. He's going to be working at Odin's club as the bar tender and he is a party boy. :)

If anyone cares to plot, I am open. I know he has a tie with most of the greeks, especially Aphrodite. :)

Oct. 4th, 2008


Just so everyone will see it!

So yeah, party at Hestia's in the hopes of introducing a to b to c and so on. Thread will be put up soon but I don't want anyone to feel pressured. I'd love to see everyone show up but I know how plotting goes and that we sometimes don't want characters to mingle right at the beginning of a game. It's all good!

To those who are interested in coming: should we have party games or just throw a bunch of swords around? :D Just kidding. There'll be booze so swords aren't a necessity at the moment.

Oct. 3rd, 2008


Hello all,'s been a while since I've had to write a "Hi, I'm so-and-so" post but the kind modlies suggested I write one so here it is. Hi, I'm Redd, and I just joined this group. I bring to the fold the prettiness of Wales in the forms of the demi-god Gwydion portrayed by Gareth David-Lloyd. Gwydion (or Gideon as he's going by in human form) can be read through here if you're interested.

Um. So hi and...yeah. It's late (I work nights and still have two nights to go before a break) so I'm going to post and go to bed. If you'd like to plot or talk or threaten or anything, please be patient with sluggish responses until Sunday when I'll be free from the oppression of capitalism. I promise I won't bite. I'll be kind of quiet-y until I figure out just what's all going on *chuckles*

Oct. 1st, 2008



Hey all, Lala here with my second character. Welcome Hel, Norse goddess of the Underworld. She's Loki's daughter, and sister to Fenrir (among others). I have no plans for her at the moment so if anyone has any idears just lemme know!

Oh, and BTW if anyone wants to pick up Loki I have some suggestions for PBs that I'd like to see fill the role. Once again these are just suggestions: Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, or Hugh Laurie. *nods* I'm on a British Comedian kick here lately.

Then again, Loki is 'technically' imprisoned by the entrails of one of his sons so I don't know if he would be up for grabs or not. Hurm. Anywho, yes, all of Hel's info is in her bio and if you'd like to thread just gimme a hollar!


Sep. 27th, 2008


Why hello there...again...

Ash here with my second character: Isis! All of her info is in her profile, so check it out. She is from the Egyptian Pantheon. More specifically, she is the daughter of Seb and Nut, sister of Seth, lover of Osiris and mother of Horus. Her family is pretty ridiculous considering her brother killed her lover to gain the throne, and then her son killed him in revenge. Otherwise, Isis is a great ally to have. She is the strongest God/Goddess in the Egyptian Pantheon (and that is including Ra).

Well, that's enough for now!

Reach me if you need me,

Sep. 26th, 2008


Going Away

I'm off to San Fran for a concert over the weekend, so I won't be able to post. I'll be back Monday and should be able to catch up then. See you later!

Sep. 25th, 2008



Hi everyone! I recently added a few more questions to the FAQ list, so if you would all go ahead and read them over, it might clear up some questions you all have. Even questions you didn't know you had.

Also, if you can think of any other questions we should add, let us know! We want to make the game premise and rules as clear as possible. Thanks!

Sep. 24th, 2008


Hello, everyone!

My name is Geoff and I will be playing Hecate, Greek goddess of transitional spaces, spirits, witchcraft, paths, and crossroads. She's not the marrying kind, but she is interested in diverse experiences.

Some of you I know and some of you I don't. I'm looking forward to playing with all of you!


Hey there, April here, and I'll be playing Hestia, goddess of the hearth and all-around sweetheart who secretly yearns to get the hell out of Olympus. I've played her before on GJ but I want to try something different this time around.

Plotwise, I'm usually up for anything and if you see anything interesting in her profile that appeals to you let me know and we can work something out :D I do have some ideas right now though I'd prefer if they weren't filled by other Greek characters just for plot purposes.

1) I'd like to have Hestia go to a fortune teller (palmist, tarot reader, psychic, whatever). They could become friends, you could be lying to her face, it could be this horrible plan to drive her insane--up for anything.

2) The Trainer--as it says in her profile, Hestia wouldn't know how to throw a punch so some self-defence would be good. Are you helping her out of the goodness of your heart, do you pity this woman who is obviously out of her element, or does she just look hot in training pants and a tank top? Also, are you going to teach her basic defence, martial arts, or explain that the best defence is a good offense and that she needs to learn how to use a gun pronto? Again, I'm up for anything.

That's it for now I guess--Oh! Zeus! Do you mind if Hestia sees you as a loving brother (not that you are/aren't or anything or that means you'll have to go to Sunday dinner, just is it alright if she perceives Zeus this way?).


Please be gentle, its my first time ;O

Hi everyone! I'm Julie, and I just just just got accepted, and I am oh so very excited to get playing with you guys.

I play Dietre, a human (is he the only one?). He is quite the angsty, pouty, broody sort, but once you get past that, he is an adorable, totally innocent dork. He so doesn't live up to his occupation as a killer. He may be all serious and depressed, but I am the exact opposite! I live to mock my characters, laugh evilly at the situations I get them into, and crack dirty jokes the whole while.

Plot aspirations haven't really been figured out yet, I just mainly want to force him to meet people for now. Perhaps one day some one can take some pity on Dietre and take him in like a little lost puppy? Because being a dirty hobo loses its allure fairly quickly, I think!

Please, please, please feel free to chat me up on AIM at: wiiddance

There's nothing I like more than blathering away with people OOC and making up plots.

I look forward to playing with you!

PS: Everyone's character in this SL is ridiculously hotttt! (Multiple Ts can't truly express it.)


Hi, hi.

*slides in, falls, makes a general ruckus*

So yes, I'm Lala (yes, changed my name since that's all Marky-poo calls me), and I'm 25 from North Carolina.

I'm bringing Bast into the game, the loveable but with temper issues goddess of cats and other stuff. Which, BTW, makes me seriously want to break out into 'What's New Pussycat'.

Wait for it, I will or I'll have Bast do it. *nods*

All of her information is in her bio, check it out if you so wish. *nods* I have no plans for Bast at the moment, so any and all suggestions are welcome!

I know some of you, played with you for years now, and others here I do not know. I do look forward to playing with you all though! *grins*

So yes, *love and glomps for all!*


Contact info:

Aim: lady match20

Best way to get in contact with me is via PM to this journal, e-mail or comments.

Sep. 23rd, 2008


Because they'll make me sooner or later.

This is Misery. I play Heph. I'm a pathetic loser. The end.

Sep. 22nd, 2008



I'm Jamie, bringing you the Hindu god Vishnu. He's the protector/preserver of mankind, also considered a solar deity, god of the ocean and sky. He's very nice, loving, and has experience being human. Not in this time, but he'll adapt. He's got a nice little job of masseuse and yoga teacher too.

Chii No Kirei on AIM
Pandapantsu on YIM
or message me on here.



Hi, My name is Mark! I'm co-modding with Ally and Jase. I'll be starting off with the characters of Zeus, King of the Greek gods, and Angus Og, the Celtic go of love, youth and beauty. Hopefully my user info will give you all you need to know about Angus...I think everyone is pretty familiar with Zeus and his shenanigans, right?!

My email is

AIM= MarktheKitsune



Hello :) I'm Jason but most call me Jase. I'm 28 and live in Ft Worth TX. At the moment, I'm playing Odin but will be bringing in more characters soon.

It's so exciting to see this RP come to life as quickly as it has. For that, we have to thank our tireless Ally who keeps Mark and me going about as effortlessly as she could herd cats.

I'm the nice mod, btw, and don't let Ally and Mark tell you any differently. :D

No specific plans for Odin, please let me know if anyone else has plans for him. :P He runs the underground bare-knuckles boxing club and bar so we can definitely do scenes there as well as the apartments and beyond.


~whew~ Since I have now finished my first submission for awaytoolong paper, I can finally introduce myself. My name is Ash and I am bringing Eos into the Pantheon of immortals. She is the Goddess of the Dawn and her mortal name is Aurora LaClaire. Unlike the other gods and goddesses, however, she is devoid of many myths. The main ones are posted on her profile, so if you would like to have a looksie, go right ahead.

I look forward to RPing with all of you! :)


Oh, and before I forget, my contacts are as follows:

AIM: thouartshade or eden0renewed
E-Mail: (that one is fitting without me meaning it to be, btw. I've had that address for years. -_-)

Feel free to give me a ping or send me a PM on here!



Hi! I'm Ally! Most of you know me, but some of you may not.

I'm one of the mods alongside Mark and Jase, and I bring you two gods of completely different pantheons than any already in the game.

Haokah ([info]laugh_to_cry) is a Native American God of Lakota/Sioux heritage. He is the God of Thunder and Lightning and has contrary emotions. He laughs when he is sad, and cries when he is happy. He's taken on the ruse of a weatherman for the local news station. Behind the scenes.

Xochiquetzal ([info]flower_feather) is the Aztec Goddess of love, childbirth, pregnant women and prostitutes. She's very sweet and has taken the occupation of Obstetrician/Gynecologist specializing in infertility. Her husband is Tezcatlipoca who stole her away from her first husband Tlaloc.

I am so excited for the game to start and I don't have anything planned with any of mine, I was just going to throw up some OTA threads for them. So any of you are welcome to play with me!


P.S. Contact info: AIM- vanimaluhta EMAIL- TIME ZONE- Mountain


Day One

Today is Monday
Mid-September, 2008


Hi: 70° Lo: 55°
Mostly cloudy with a chance of sprinkles. Highs in the upper 60s. Northeast winds 10 to 15 mph.
Mostly cloudy in the evening...then becoming partly cloudy. Lows in the mid 50s. Northeast winds 10 to 15 mph.





Hello all! I know a few of you from Mirage but just in case there are new faces about, my name is Emily, I’m 24, work full time and live in Canada. At the moment I’m playing the Hindu goddess of Death and destruction, Kali and full details about her can be found at her profile here: LINK.

At the moment I have no plots planned with Kali so I am totally open to doing anything with her for those who have ideas or just want to interact. I’m working off the idea that Kali is a bit of a misunderstood goddess since she has this evil reputation so I would love to do something with that if anyone was interested.

Taking a leaf from Kathryn’s book, I would love to see some diverse characters in this game, like gods/goddess from the Caribbean or Norse Mythologies although Greek is awesome too!

Sep. 21st, 2008




I'm following Jen's trend setting and making an introduction of my own.

My name is Kathryn. I'm eighteen years old, and I live in Iowa. That means I'm on a GMT -6 ((Central)) time zone. Fun stuff.

I am bringing in two goddesses from different pantheons.

The first is Amaterasu Omikami [info]golden_sun who is the Japanese goddess ((kami)) of the golden sun, and she was also the protectress of the emperors whose bloodlines descended from her.

The second is Aphrodite [info]love_manifest who is the Greek goddess of beauty, love, lust, and procreation.

As for wanted characters, I think I'd like to see the Japanese kami Susano-Wo and Tsukuyomi and the Greek gods Ares, the Graces ((if they're allowed)), Hermes, and Poseidon. As for Pantheons, I'd like to see some Egyptian, Sumerian, and Voodoo deities in the near future.


Alright, well, it's fun to do intros, so here I go!

I'm Jen, I believe I know all of you, but I'm bringing in the Goddess of War, Wisdom, and assorted other things, Athena. I know there's a lot of other greek gods and goddesses kicking around out there, and that should be fun, but I'm also interested to see how she interacts with the deities of other pantheons.

Anyway, look forward to this game opening!