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Posts Tagged: '%F0%9F%94%BCcanon:+ace+attorney'

Apr. 29th, 2018



I am pro-AA

I actually don't remember what fandom did this, but some fandom put characters on badges and stuck "I am pro [x]" on the badge.

I stole the format and made a shitload of them. Here are my Ace Attorney ones, I have more of them than any other canon. I might make more, too, so watch out for sequels. After all, I need to update for the new characters.

Feel free to put these in userinfos, sigs, on a website/blog/tumblr about page... whatever. No need to credit me or ask permission, just don't claim as your own.


More under the cut. Like, a lot more. )

Apr. 12th, 2018




So for today's Old Graphic Post I dug into the nostalgia bin again [I really need to stop abusing the poor thing] and decided to post the userbars I made.

Remember how people used to love putting these in signatures?

If anyone has any desire to use them, of course, please do, just don't claim you made them. No credit or permission necessary

Apr. 10th, 2018



more old aa shit

These are images from an Ace Attorney forum I ran in the 2000's. I dunno if anyone else would ever want to use them, but they're here if you do.

Graphics include buttons and group icons.

I don't remember what font I used for these buttons with the pink text. I just know I was trying to go for something as close to the objection text as I could, I think I even asked on a forum somewhere, maybe Court Records? lol


Some more under the cut )

Apr. 8th, 2018



40 AA Graphic Sets

Are you asking "what the fuck" right about now? Yeah me too. I spent almost all day making a bunch of banners and matching icons [then a whole second batch of larger icons] just because I felt like it after posting my old icons and remembering how I made them from the same template. I did the same thing here, using the template from the Coffee House's banner to make a bunch of similar, matching Ace Attorney graphic sets with extra neon. I did this 40 times because I never know when to quit and oh god damn it I wanted to include that character too. I'll make a new template and do the characters I missed then. Please love me, plaes

These were made for usage on IJ/Dw, forums, or whatever you want, use them as you please no credit or permission from me necessary. I love this canon and will always give back to the fandom so do feel free to share my work

Textures used: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]


almost 100 images under the cut )

Apr. 7th, 2018



Old AA Icons

Hi, back in 2008 or 2009 or so I made a bunch of colourful emoticon icons featuring Ace Attorney characters. They were easy and fun to make so I made lots [nearly 50] of them.

I don't think anybody really wants icons like these any more, but maybe somebody out there will get use of them, who knows.


If you like, feel free to use. No credit or permission necessary, just don't claim as your own.

Cut for length and load time )

Jul. 6th, 2017




This isn't about Vsauce's video Why Do We Feel Nostalgia? but I thought I'd link it for its relevance here, IS THAT OKAY, JEEZ

And the easiest way to make any previous member of MW nostalgic is

POST MORE VALANT! Here's a bunch of Valant-related crap from the MW Photobucket [I had an account just for uploading MW site content, because Photobucket used to allow that kinda thing] that I recently redownloaded. Their new home is a sub-album of my Postimage account


More under here )

Jun. 19th, 2017



A Guide to Ace Attorney in Video

And by that I mean video of the games, I'm not touching the anime until it's dubbed [but for everyone else, that is a thing, it's on crunchyroll iirc]

The original Japanese version of the games, Gyakuten Saiban, started as a trilogy of GBA visual novels. The GBA and original DS are region free so if you're ever curious you can always import/get a Japanese ROM and take a look, but fluent knowledge of the language and culture are known to be required

The first one was brought over to the US and localised as Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney when the trilogy was set for re-release on DS. The Japanese versions of the DS games are known to contain both English and Japanese language options, but I don't own one so I can't confirm if they're identical to the localisations or if their English is an earlier draft or something. The first game's English edition was written by someone totally different from who writes pretty much the rest of English Ace Attorney, and was released with the assumption it wouldn't sell well enough to justify localising the others, but due to the magic of literally becoming a meme that didn't happen

Here are the English games in release date order, which is my preferred method of playing through the series personally, and because individual cases within each game jump around all over the fucking timeline, it's not plausible to list them pretty much any other way in my opinion. I am including spin-off games and the Professor Layton crossover, as well as links to commentary-less LP so you can basically treat this series of video games like you would a subbed anime.

Huge list ahead. )