Mind Over Meta

Jul. 27th, 2010


06:00 pm - Brick House by [info]deirdre_c, commentary by yourlibrarian

Title: Brick House
Vidder: [info]deirdre_c
Fandom: Supernatural
Link: http://deirdre-c.livejournal.com/351190.html
Commentary by: [info]yourlibrarian for [info]vid_commentary
Warnings:: Spoilers for the S5 finale.

The timing of this vid couldn't have been better. While there is never a wrong time for an Impala love vid, there was definitely a right time. Appearing on May 17th, the vid echoed the love and respect for this mainstay of the SPN verse that we had just seen in the S5 finale. But it also had some interesting things to say about females in the SPNverse, which remains a problematical aspect of the series.

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Jul. 23rd, 2010


01:13 pm - To bed with you: hospitalizations in SPN redux

In the course of looking up an older post I came across what I wrote last year about hospitalizations in SPN. I realized there had been an important change in S5, namely that Sam has finally been a patient. But I think Sam Interrupted ends up revealing a more audience-directed reason for the pattern.Read more... )

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May. 14th, 2010


06:45 pm - SPN 5.22 - Paging T.S. Eliot

Well, as with other SPN finales, I was glad this wouldn't be the last we'd see of the show. However, it was for a rather different reason than usual. Read more... )

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May. 7th, 2010


06:47 pm - SPN 5.21 - That's it?

Before the episode, ash48 posted a hypothetical list Dean would have to go through to wrap up this season’s hanging threads. Unfortunately, despite being simply a list it was more entertaining than the penultimate episode. Read more... )

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Apr. 30th, 2010


06:19 pm - SPN 5.20 - Was this back or forward?

I had mixed feelings about this episode, as it provided some new twists and character development but it also seemed to leave too much unexplained. Read more... )

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Apr. 23rd, 2010


06:21 pm - SPN 5.18 - The flies in the soup

I was pleasantly fooled here. Read more... )

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Apr. 16th, 2010


03:17 pm - SPN 5.18 - Looks like they made it

This latest episode was notable in giving all the characters interesting things to say and do. Read more... )

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Apr. 9th, 2010


08:51 pm - SPN 5.17 - No more bottles of beer on the wall

99 Problems could have been an enormous letdown after last week. The fact that it wasn't already says something. Read more... )

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Apr. 2nd, 2010


04:01 pm - SPN 5.15 - And we got one!

I think that may have been my favorite SPN episode ever. Read more... )

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Mar. 26th, 2010


10:10 pm - SPN 5.15 - We need a writing resurrection

“Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid” struck me much as Sam Interrupted did, a potentially interesting premise that never really went anywhere, didn’t have a great deal of suspense and also didn’t follow well on the drama of the previous episode. Read more... )

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Mar. 5th, 2010


06:04 pm - Love and families in SPN

I've been musing on something since my last question post about SPN. Some comments by applepie and facetofcathy started me thinking about something that I haven't seen anyone raise regarding the issue of family.
Spoilers through 5.13 )

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Feb. 12th, 2010


08:20 pm - SPN 5.13 - Lots of messes

From a horror standpoint, this episode was quite a success. I can say with authority that it will put you off your dinner. I think that JA spent the entire episode feeling a fine case of schadenfreude. Read more... )

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Feb. 6th, 2010


12:26 pm - SPN 5.13 - Four dot, a way to map the universe

Fortunately there was no truth in advertising in this week's episode title. I imagine Sera Gamble was delighted to have a crack at this storyline. They would also have to have bungled it a lot more than they did for me to be unhappy with it. Read more... )

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Jan. 29th, 2010


03:29 pm - SPN 5.12 - I just got my daiquiri

Finally, the show is back. Read more... )

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Jan. 22nd, 2010


07:09 pm - SPN 5.11- Where have I seen this before?

I have to say I was feeling less than enthusiastic about reviewing this episode, not because it was awful but because I just didn't find it very engaging. And then I realized what part of the problem was. Read more... )

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Nov. 21st, 2009


07:35 pm - SPN 5.10 - A sign of hope

Ben Edlund, at this rate you're looking like the only writer who is giving us something worth watching. Read more... )

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Nov. 13th, 2009


11:32 pm - SPN 5.09 - Make it stop

I found that halfway through this episode I started thinking about columnist Maureen Ryan and something she said about S5: By the way, if Season 5 is terrible, after all these "Watch 'Supernatural'" pieces I've done, I am moving to another country and living under an assumed name. . I haven't been following her columns, but I suspect she's been pretty quiet on the topic of the show lately. Read more... )

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Nov. 6th, 2009


10:53 pm - SPN 5.08

This show is breaking my brain. Read more... )

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Oct. 31st, 2009


05:11 pm - SPN 5.07 - Not again

I'm afraid my first thought when the episode ended (after my squee for next week's preview) was "fandom would have done this so much better." In fact, part of the problem with this episode that even a better screenplay wouldn't help is that there is too much running under the surface here that isn't touched on. Read more... )

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Oct. 29th, 2009


06:35 pm - Writing themes: Mad Men, Buffy, and SPN

I found it interesting that the Mad Men episode this season in which Marti Noxon and Cathryn Humphris collaborated should turn out the be the most soap operatic episode yet. I couldn't help thinking about two other stories Noxon and Humphris had penned, "New Moon Rising" and "Sex and Violence" respectively Read more... )

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