Some Crazy Shit
 metropolis_ooc - (lex_luthor)
02:32pm 19/06/2007
Due to the recent maintenance on IJ, some of the comments on the Lex journal have been lost. You may want to check your own journals to see if any other threads are lost, so you can report anything missing. When I have a few hours to kill, I can go through my gmail and repost those lost comments on the bottom of my entries.

Keep an eye out.

ETA: [info]jimmy_olsen has been added to Metropolis, so he's available for interaction in that city.

Dick Grayson will be in Metropolis after Lex comes back, but that won't be until the end of the Privalova plotline (and take your time working that out. Ash and I can keep ourselves busy until you're ready to tie up that story. Lex won't be back for like two months).

(Jimmy and Dick are already establishing CR in "Future" posts. Try to keep everything labeled so we know when everything is happening, K?)

ETA2: As per comic canon, I agreed with Ash that Bruce Wayne owns The Daily Planet. If Lex did, he'd fire Perry White and put Lois Lane at the head. And probably threaten to fire Jimmy if he even remotely considers betraying his boy Richard!

He doesn't own Clark's apartment building (yet?), cause if he did, Clark would live in a better part of town.

Is there anything else we need to bang out?
mood: annoyed annoyed
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Post Applications Here:
 metropolis_ooc - (lex_luthor)
12:27am 02/06/2007
age: (you must be over eighteen)
roleplay experience:

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Played by (an actor or actress you'll be using for icons):
History (a brief life history of your character):
Writing Sample (a first person sample of a post your character might write in their "voice"):

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