Wednesday, December 19th, 2007

Merry Smutmas, [info]vissy!


To: [info]vissy
From: [info]psyfic

Title: Next Leg Of The Journey
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Snape/Hagrid, Albus/Gellert
Disclaimer: The people & places are Rowling's. The situations and anything you don't recognize are the author's. This fic is an exchange gift written to request and no profit was made. It takes place in the world belonging to JK Rowling, which is merely borrowed for the nonce and remains unspindled, unfolded and unmutilated, though it does get a bit smutty.
Summary: Two entirely different men come to a new understanding of each other after the war.
Warnings: highlight between brackets if you prefer story warnings:
[Wanking, voyeurism, attempted suicide, first time, rimming, a love bite or two, gratuitous use of Oscar Wilde, and death, but no destruction]
Author's notes: This starts off a bit slow, but then it's meant to. Thanks to my betas, you know who you are. Merry Smutmas, Vissy!

( Next Leg Of The Journey )
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