Saturday, December 22nd, 2007

Merry Smutmas, [info]midnitemarauder!


To: [info]midnitemarauder
From: [info]xylodemon

Title: Dirty Laundry, and the Airing Thereof
Pairing: James/Remus/Sirius (and permutations)
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Qarnings: Threesomes, wanking, voyeurism, dirty talk, and boyfumbling.
Summary: In which we discover there are three sides to every story. Except for when there are four. Except for when there are five.
A/N: For the incomparable [info]midnitemarauder, whom I love deeply. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Your request was a dream; I've been wanting to write this fic for a long time. Many thanks to the people who looked this over: you are wonderful, patient, and stoic, and when needed, down and dirty -- above and beyond the call. Last but not least, many thanks to [info]gmth, for leading us once more into the breach. You are utterly fantastic. This is a wonderful fest, and I'm honoured I was able to participate in its last round.

( Dirty Laundry, and the Airing Thereof )
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