M E M E B E L L S 2.0

User: [info]sockittomeme
Date: 2012-05-29 17:00
Subject: 40. The Wild West meme
Security: Public
Tags:[rated] pg-13, [rated] r, [type] characterization

Welcome to the wild west! No cars, no telephones, no fancy space lasers. Just horses, dust, and bullets. Does your muse have what it takes to survive in the old west?

Post a comment with your muse's name, canon, and which role they'll be playing in this western. Example: John Doe - Every Story Ever - Sheriff
Feel free to set up a little of the scene with where your muse is and what they're doing. Example: The town sheriff's sitting in front of the jail, watching the town.
Others reply to your comment with another piece of the western puzzle. Maybe it's the stagecoach driver visiting the local brothel or the wanted gunslinger challenging her rival.
Have fun!

1. SHERRIF - You're the law in this town. Do you keep the peace or take a piece for yourself? Not everyone who wears the tin star wears it for a good reason.
2. BOUNTY HUNTER - You make your money tracking down the worst of the worst. Do you bring them in still breathing, or is the 'alive' part in 'Dead or Alive' only a last resort?
3. WANTED MAN - Maybe you're a ruthless killer. Maybe you've been charged with a crime you didn't commit. Either way, there's a price on your head and people who want to collect.
4. GUNSLINGER - You've made a name for yourself with your gun. Now, people want to hire you for your skills or kill you to prove their own.
5. PROSTITUTE - Sometimes there's a brothel in town and sometimes it's just a handful of ladies (or gents) working out of the local saloon. Someone's got to entertain the stagecoach travelers and divest them of their money.
6. STAGECOACH DRIVER - Your job sucks. Hundreds of hours riding on a wooden bench behind galloping horses, getting shot at by bandits or chased by the local natives. You need a drink, a good meal, and maybe some company?
7. DOCTOR - Did you actually study this or do you just like to cut people open?
8. SALOON WORKER - You might own the place or just tend bar there. Maybe you're the poor sucker who plays the piano? Either way, you see it all.
9. NATIVE - An army scout, a stately tribal Chief, or an angry brave... there are foreign men all over your country now. Do you try for peace or take back what's yours?
10. OTHER - Got another role you'd rather play? Go for it!

Also available at memebells on LiveJournal

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User: [info]sonickey
Date: 2012-04-06 18:44
Subject: Movie Meme: Captain America
Security: Public
Tags:[rated] pg, [rated] pg-13, [type] awkward, [type] choices, [type] crack, [type] fight, [type] memories, [type] secrets, [type] serious, [type] trust, [warning] possible triggers

Ever wanted to jump right into a movie? Now you can. The following options are from or based off of events during the Captain America movie.

- post with your muse name and fandom in the subject line (along with any preferences)
- tag someone else and roll 1-3 for section and then 1-5 for scenario.
- profit?

options under the cut! )

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makingmemes posting in M E M E B E L L S  2.0
User: [info]makingmemes
Date: 2012-03-26 20:46
Subject: The Bath/Shower Meme!
Security: Public
Tags:[rated] nc17, [rated] pg-13, [rated] r, [type] awkward, [type] characterization, [type] choices, [type] crack, [type] fluff, [type] humor, [type] romance, [type] sex, [type] shipping

In the interests of good clean fun, we're providing you with a bathtime meme~

The scenario is quite simple, your character finds themselves in the bath or shower with another character (clothed? Naked? Getting naked? Who knows~ That's part of the fun!), whether this is normal or your character has just "poofed" into the situation is up to you! Hijinks ensue.

Feel free to mix and match, use the options below, or go to RNG and let the gods decide

Options Under the Cut )

(Taken from this meme @bakerstreet)

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makingmemes posting in M E M E B E L L S  2.0
User: [info]makingmemes
Date: 2012-03-11 10:57
Subject: The Morning After Meme
Security: Public
Tags:[rated] nc17, [rated] pg-13, [type] awkward, [type] crack, [type] fluff, [type] humor, [type] love, [type] romance, [type] sex, [type] shipping

Last night was pretty wild, or maybe it wasn't. You have just woken up, but you are not alone. Perhaps it is a stranger lying next to you, perhaps it's someone you know. It might be your significant other, or a one night stand. The fact remains that you are in bed together, naked (or maybe not) and something happened. Will you try to sneak away before they wake up, try for round two, or something else entirely?


1. Post with your character/prefs
2. Tag around
4. ???
5. Profit

(Taken from everywhere)

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User: [info]omggirlonthenet
Date: 2012-03-05 12:44
Subject: It's the end of the line
Security: Public
Tags:[rated] pg-13, [rated] r, [type] awkward, [type] characterization, [type] dark, [type] horror, [type] memories, [type] secrets, [type] serious, [type] trust, [warning] possible triggers

Last Words Meme

Humanity spends way more time than is strictly healthy contemplating death. But right now, for our characters, it's really the most pertinent topic on hand. For one reason or another, your character is going to die relatively soon, and they know it. Face to face with their own mortality, characters are liable to do any number of amusing things. So have at it!

-Post with your character(s). Name and series go in the subject line.
-Pick an scenario and tag around. Go to the RNG if you like.
-OR write up a scenario in your original post and wait for others to tag.

Options under here )

Feel free to make up your own scenario! Any kind of death you can think of is fair game.

[Snagged from DareYouToLickMe on LJ]

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User: [info]sonickey
Date: 2012-02-20 04:49
Subject: New Body Meme
Security: Public
Tags:[rated] pg, [rated] pg-13, [type] awkward, [type] characterization, [type] crack, [type] dark, [type] dreams, [type] horror, [type] humor, [type] secrets, [type] serious, [warning] possible triggers

A change has been made. How you cope is up to you.

- Post with your character's name and canon in the subject line
- Roll using RNG or pick if you see one you like
- Tag others who have posted
- Have fun!

1. Robot - This is a classic. Your entire body has been replaced with electronic parts. There is nothing human left. Or is there? That's up to you.

2. Android - You may be mechanical on the inside, but on the outside you look practically human. In fact, you might not even know you're not human. That's sure going to be a surprise when you find out.

3. Integrated - It might be a space ship, a super computer, a network computer system but you've been wired in. Part of the machine. Do you run the whole shebang or are you part of a huge mechanical whole. Does anyone else know there's a human presence trapped inside this machine? Perhaps you ought to find a way to contact someone on the outside.

4. Freaky Alternate - This is where it gets really weird. There really isn't much of you left. The brain is intact, maybe the whole head, but someone's keeping you alive. And under glass. Can someone scratch your nose? You're a bit lacking in the arm department.

5. Nanites - They're small and smart and inside of you. Possibly working to repair you...possibly working against you to make you into something new. Should you get rid of them? Keep them? Reprogram them?

6. Hologram - Your mind is now ones and zeroes in a computer. But you get this nifty projection that can walk around and interact. Also walk through things. It's not as much fun when people walk through you though. That's just rude.

7. New face - This may have been your idea. Hopefully it was your idea. Because you're waking up with a brand new face. That plastic surgeon sure knows his stuff, even you don't recognize you. It's either going to be a shock or a chance at a new life.

8. Microchipped - Wait, so there's a microchip implanted where?? And it does what? Who controls it? Better find them and figure out what this is all about.

9. Appliance - Ok, who's idea was this? You're not even human shaped anymore, you're a machine. A blender, a PC computer, a washing machine....maybe even a car. Except it's still you in there somehow.

10. Everything Else - There must be something I missed. Put it in!

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User: [info]omggirlonthenet
Date: 2012-02-18 01:23
Subject: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Security: Public
Tags:[rated] nc17, [rated] pg-13, [rated] r, [type] characterization, [type] choices, [type] dark, [type] secrets, [type] serious, [warning] possible triggers

The Cyberpunk Meme

Welcome to the future. Unfortunately, it's not all it's cracked up to be. The very definition of the term cyberpunk is "high tech, low life." These are worlds defined by poverty or absolute control, where the net is your only escape from the troubles of the world. Cyborgs, metahumans, AIs, corporations with undisputed power are what's being served out here. Do you have what it takes to survive?

To get started, you can create a scenario for yourself, or merely go to the Random Number Generator and choose a pre-made one for you and your partner.

1. You or your partner (or both) is a hacker who just stumbled across the biggest information leak of your lives. This could make or break the two of you, if you know how to handle the consequences of your following action.

2. In the real world, people wouldn't waste their spit on scum like you. But in the net? You're a god, peddling information and resources better than Wal-Mart. Just be careful who you talk to. Not everyone thinks what you do is a good thing.

3. The corporations, the government, the gangs, the machines. It doesn't matter who it is, but you're tired of their interference in your life. Are the two of you ready to take them on?

4. You're the king or queen of your private enterprise. You have it all: A private army, AIs capable of placating the masses, connections even better than the government, and a demeanor that could charm Satan himself. However, there's still that little nuisance known as the underdog, and they're knocking at your door.

5. You just got that newest drug shipment in, and it promises to be the biggest trip in your life. It promises to make you stronger, faster, smarter, and sexier, all in one hit. The only thing left is to try it.

6. People are disappearing, and no one seems to notice or care, except you and your partner. The only thing? They're also your worst enemy.

7. You've just been kidnapped, and unfortunately, your partner's the kidnapper. What's their motive? Can you escape?

Anything I forgot, go ahead and play it. Make your own world, your own personalities. Have fun!

[Snagged from AegisDetective on LJ]

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User: [info]mememaker
Date: 2012-01-19 00:20
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public
Tags:[rated] nc17, [rated] pg, [rated] pg-13, [rated] pg13, [rated] r, [type] choices, [type] confession, [type] dark, [type] dreams, [type] hate, [type] horror, [type] love, [type] memories, [type] secrets, [type] serious, [type] shipping, [type] trust, [warning] possible triggers

“The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.”

Sometimes, we don't all get what we want, no matter how much we struggle.

- Post as your character.
- Others respond after going to RNG and rolling 1-10.
- ???
- Profit!

1. scorned;
→ something you did was found out. You murdered someone, stole, lied, maybe you're involved in a relationship you should have never been in. Whatever the case is, you're disowned and outcast for it. Replier can be the one who hates you or wrapped up in the mess with you.
2. addiction;
→ you tried to resist for oh-so-long, but you just can't anymore. Welcome to the world of addiction. Maybe it's drugs, alcohol, sex, or something else entirely, but it's dragging you down. Replier can be attempting to confront you or on the downward spiral too.

3. cursed;
→ you've been cursed forever with bad luck. You can never make it big, you're always injuring yourself accidentally, or losing important things. Basically, whatever can go wrong, will go wrong. Replier can be attempting to help or wrapped up in he bad luck as well.
4. abandoned;
→ you were running from something bad. Cops, an enemy, maybe just an angry attack dog, but you were left behind by the person you thought had your back. Replier can be leaving you or trapped right along with you.
5. injured;
→ by your own hand, accident, or maybe an epic fight, you have been injured badly and need time to heal. Replier can be taking care of you or injured as well.
6. sick;
→ Poisoned, down with the flu, whatever, you're not feeling at the top of your game. Replier can be a caregiver or in the same boat.
7. apathy;
→ you just don't care anymore. You don't want anything, just go through the motions every day if you can even convince yourself to do that. There's nothing magical about life, no light anywhere. Replier can be attempting to help or feeling much the same as you.
8. running;
→ You robbed a bank, shot someone, or whatever you can think of that would get you on the road and running forever. You can never go back. Replier can be pursuing you or running along with you.
9. slave;
→ captured and sold unwillingly into it or you just lost a bet, you are now someone else's absolute and utter slave. You can never go back to how you were, not with how utterly broken you are. Replier can be a purchaser or in a similar situation.
10. random;
→ you want to do your own scene or combine something? Do it here!

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User: [info]morethanfiction
Date: 2012-01-17 17:29
Subject: .011 Sweet dreams
Security: Public
Tags:[rated] nc17, [rated] pg, [rated] pg-13, [rated] pg13, [rated] r, [type] awkward, [type] characterization, [type] choices, [type] crack, [type] dark, [type] dreams, [type] fight, [type] fluff, [type] horror, [type] humor, [type] love, [type] memories, [type] romance, [type] serious, [type] sex, [type] shipping, [type] trust, [warning] possible triggers

D R E A M S ~ M E M E

Dreams are difficult enough to understand. They range from embarrassing, to frightening, to thought-provoking, to just plain nonsensical. You may find yourself wondering what that was all about, or trying to forget about it as quickly as you can. It may be close enough to reality to confuse you, or dream logic may prevail. Whatever the case, the world of dreams is a way to delve into your psyche and deal with what happened to you that day, your fears, and whatever's on your mind.

Except... what's that person doing there?

Potential Trigger Warning!

How It Works:
~ Post with your character, name and fandom in the subject.
~ Others respond to your character.
~ Roll the RNG 1-6 for your situation, from the list below. That's the type of dream your character is having. Or, just pick the one you like the best.
~ The replier has found themselves in your character's dream, able to interact freely.
~ Have fun!

1. sweet dreams
Something like this might not happen too often in your waking life, if ever. You've found the world's largest supply of grape ice cream, you've won the lottery... or, perhaps, you're just having a really good day. Will this person share in your joy or ruin it for you?

2. nightmares
Your worst fears are being visited upon you tonight. Whether it's falling, losing those closest to you, insects, or something particular to you, there's no doubt you'd wake up in a cold sweat if everything went normally. Having this person there isn't 'normal', though. Maybe they can make things better.

3. sexy dreams
Isn't it so awkward when the person you're in bed with suddenly asks why you're dreaming about them in a schoolgirl costume?

4. bizarre dreams
It's hard to categorize this, but it probably seems perfectly natural to you that you need to find the smallest grain of sand in the world to stop an alien invasion up until someone points out how weird that is. And maybe it still seems normal to you even after that. They might be the ones being silly!

5. memories
The mind often revisits important events in one's life. For good or bad, you're back in time, reliving something that stuck in your head. But... that guy wasn't here before, was he? Or maybe he was, but hasn't seen it from your point of view yet.

6. combination/other
Dreams are many and varied. Mix up the flavors, or try something completely different. Wherever your mind will take you is game.

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User: [info]omggirlonthenet
Date: 2012-01-13 20:23
Subject: Good Ending/Bad Ending meme
Security: Public
Tags:[rated] nc17, [rated] pg-13, [rated] r, [type] choices, [type] crack, [type] dark, [type] fluff, [type] memories, [type] serious, [warning] possible triggers

Do you get a happily ever after? Or a 'Rocks fall, everyone dies'? Why not both?

* Post your characters and set up two scenes. One with an ideal setting (They got what they always wanted, hit it big, became rich and famous, etc.) and one with a bad twist of events (They're homeless, everyone hates them, maybe they're even dying!).
* Others respond to one of the two settings (Or both in different comments, if they want!)
* Respond.
* ???
* Profit!!!

Just remember: no ending is set in stone, good endings can turn sour, and bad endings can be made better. Just see where it takes you and enjoy the ride!

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User: [info]mememaker
Date: 2012-01-11 17:15
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public
Tags:[rated] nc17, [rated] pg, [rated] pg-13, [rated] pg13, [rated] r, [type] age related, [type] awkward, [type] characterization, [type] choices, [type] confession, [type] crack, [type] dark, [type] fluff, [type] hate, [type] horror, [type] humor, [type] love, [type] memories, [type] romance, [type] secrets, [type] serious, [type] sex, [type] shipping, [type] trust, [warning] possible triggers


By request, another genderbent meme! In this one, your character has always been the opposite gender and it's nothing unusual at all.

- Post your character's name/series/preferences in the subject line. At least include a description or a picture of what they'd look like as the opposite gender!
- Others go to RNG and roll numbers 1-4 for a scene type and then 1-10 for a prompt.
- Have fun!

cut for length/possible triggers )

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User: [info]made_my_choice
Date: 2012-01-05 04:26
Subject: .006 You should have knocked!
Security: Public
Tags:[rated] nc17, [rated] pg, [rated] pg-13, [rated] pg13, [rated] r, [type] awkward, [type] characterization, [type] choices, [type] crack, [type] fluff, [type] humor, [type] love, [type] serious, [type] sex, [type] shipping, [type] trust, [warning] possible triggers

You Should Have Knocked
So everyone has had this moment in their life, the one where they were so impatient or absent minded they went flinging a door open when they really shouldn't have. Sometimes its not your fault, how could you know your housemate and his girlfriend were having sex on the kitchen table!? Othertimes someone was in the bathroom and failed to close the door the whole way, again not your fault. Sometimes they put up several signs saying "Please don't enter I'm very naked right now" and you just ignore them because who would have that many signs for that?

Anyway, that's this meme, you've just walked in on something you shouldn't have seen, and onto the rules and set-up.
Da Rules!:
A. Post with the standard Character | Fandom | Prompts you don't want to see/Situations you don't want to deal with/Smut or no Smut set-up as is standard with memes now adays. You are the one walking in on someone.
B. Someone responds by rolling 1-12 on the RNG and sets-up what the entry poster walks in on. You can also set-up a scene not on the list below, or cut the RNG short based on what you don't want to do.
B Part 2: Items 1-7 are easily G-rated unless you go out of your way to make them rated higher. 8-10 are more R-rated, but there is wiggle room for playing the crack and awkward up instead of making it smutty. 11 and 12 are kinda hard not to have a little bit smutty given the settings. THIS IS THE WARNING
C. Tag around, have fun with it! The embarrassment will pass... in theory. ^_^

Da Prompts!:
01. Talking to Yourself - Sometimes to work through a problem, you just have to talk it out. Or, in other cases, you need practice before you say something to someone. Whatever the case you were in the middle of talking something out to yourself that you probably didn't want heard by the person to walk in on you. Oops.

02. Wearing an Embarrassing Outfit - Everyone has some bit of clothing they love but would be really awkward to be found in, ask J. Edgar Hoover! Be it drag, or cosplay, that hat your mother knit for you with her own two hands? The ugly sweater your girlfriend gave you, or a uniform for the Next Generation era Star Trek uniform... your secret's out now.

03. Rocking Out - Everyone loves music, but sometimes you love music others won't understand. Or, you like music they'd understand, but your dancing leaves something to be desired. Or your dancing is fine if you would just stop air guitaring windmills on the bed. Whatever the case is you've been spotted now.

04. Watching Something - Much like an embarrassing outfit, or awkward dancing, there's your guilty pleasure. Maybe you just have a love for action films, or you've gotten hooked on a soap opera, maybe you'll just watch any film with Nick Cage in it. Whatever the case is your about to be judged by the entertainment you love. If you don't want to put a show here, you can replace it with reading a book, comic book, or any other bit of of non-music entertainment.

05. In the Middle of Something - Some people collect stamps, others little ceramic figurines, you might have a complete collection of beanie babies. Whatever your hobby, you keep it well out of sight of your friends because they just won't understand it. ...better come up with a good explanation now.

06. It was Suppose to be a Surprise - You had something you were going to give your friend as soon as it was ready. Birthday gift, Christmas, anniversary? Maybe no reason at all, the point is you're working on it away from them and SURPRISE there they are! Better hide the evidence now, or come clean and explain what's going on.

07. On the Phone - Ever had an awkward phone call overheard from only your side. Well, it gets complicated sometimes when that happens. Could be a doctor, a parent, a college friend, whatever it is the topic sounds very awkward from only your side of the street. Cue 'that isn't what it sounds like' when you find your evesdropper. Bonus points if you want something a little less G-rated, make it Phone sex heard from only your side.

08. In a Racy Outfit - This isn't exactly an outfit embarrassing on its own, just they might not be the person you want to see you in a leopard print G-string. Or you're trying on the skimpiest of lingerie and inspecting yourself in the mirror. Whatever your pleasure its about to be shared with an audience. If you want to take things in a different direction, try setting the scene asleep in said outfit.

09. In no Outfit at All - The next door neighbor to the previous option, sometimes less is more. In this case less clothing is more awkward. Maybe you're looking yourself over for new battle scars, you might be trying new sexy poses for the person you like, maybe you're getting in or out of the shower/bath. Or, like above, you could just like sleeping natural. Whatever the case you're giving somebody an eyeful today.

10. Watching Something Else - Be it a raunchy sexcapade, something attempting to have a plot, an art film, or a home movie from that trip to Cancun. Some people like to watch smut. Of course, some people should lock their door when they do such things. Whatever your taste in brown paper bag theater, you're about to share it with the class. If you don't feel like going that way, you can be caught with a skin mag or some trashy smut novel instead.

11. In the Middle of Something Completely Different - Masturbation, its that thing everyone does but nobody talks about. You also definitely don't walk in on someone doing it. Well, too bad, you just did.

12. Was left Hanging - So you've just walked in on someone who was having some sort of kinky bondage episode... but their partner has left them there, all tied up and on the bed. Whatever will you do with this.
taken from another meme here at [info]memebells

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User: [info]made_my_choice
Date: 2011-12-31 02:39
Subject: The Bad Translator Meme
Security: Public
Tags:[rated] pg, [rated] pg-13, [type] awkward, [type] crack, [type] fluff, [type] humor

The Bad Translator Meme

1) Post your character!
2) Find someone else to converse with
3) Enter your reply here, crank it up to the full 35 bad translations, and hit random.
4) Post your real reply [like this]
5) Post the badly translated reply underneath
6) Other characters can only hear the bad translation. Whether yours is aware it didn't come out right is up to you.

(Swiped from...places)

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User: [info]memebellmods
Date: 2011-12-21 15:09
Subject: .001 The Texts From Last Night meme
Security: Public
Tags:[rated] pg-13, [type] awkward, [type] characterization, [type] confession, [type] crack, [type] fluff, [type] humor, [type] romance, [type] shipping, [warning] possible triggers


1. post with your character and their name/canon/pref in the subject.
2. either post with a TFLN or just wait for someone.
3. respond to people's texts or tag them with your own.
5. christmas hangovers.
6. have fun!!

Posting to get things rolling. I hope this helps. :)

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my journal
May 2022