Apr. 6th, 2008


Not for Samson in the Temple - Dean/Sam, adult, Coda

Schmoop, sex, cucumbers, and parking lots. And, oh, yeah -- the end of the world.

None of which will make sense if you haven't read [info]eighth_horizon's The Last Outpost of All That Is, which if you haven't, is a damn tragedy.

SPN, Dean/Sam, Adult. 3,444 words.

Not for Samson in the Temple )

Mar. 16th, 2008


SPN: A Year and a Day

A Year and a Day
by Maygra

Dean, Sam, Bobby, R overall

Status: Complete

The characters and situations portrayed here are not mine, they belong to the CW. This is a fan authored work and no profit is being made. Please do not link to this story without appropriate warnings. Please do not archive this story without my permission.

Summary: Breaking the deal Dean made was always a given. How Sam would do it, not so much.

Author's notes to follow.

extra note for [info]traveller: this would be the one with the tattoos.


If heaven and hell decide
That they both are satisfied
Illuminate the no's on their vacancy signs

If there's no one beside you
When your soul embarks
Then I'll follow you into the dark

I Will Follow You Into The Dark ~ Death Cab for Cutie


Changes for Raynedanser, TFATF, PG, Dom/Brian

The Fast and the Furious, Dom/Brian, PG, (1,256 words)

[info]raynedanser asked for Six months after Unfinished Business

There was a sofa on the sidewalk. )


Too Much to Know - Salvation verse, PG, Leigh & Sam

Too Much to Know
By Maygra

A Salvation verse snippet by request of [info]dolmir_k, for Leigh and Sam when Leigh is a little older. Not entirely happy, a rite of passage for one of the Winchester girls. Vague companion piece to Rock of Ages.

Growing up is hard )


Cowboys, Mag7-ATF, Vin, for Cee

by Maygra

Magnificent 7, ATF, PG13

[info]traveller wanted " Vin, right before calling Chris at the start of "Call Me."

1,130 words

if it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all )


SPN-Second Sight: And It Shall Come To Pass (Dean, Sam, PG)

And it shall come to pass
Fourteenth in the Second Sight Series
by Maygra

Supernatural, all audiences, future-fic. Written for [info]ixchel55 for ten years from the last story. Merry Christmas, baby. (1,811 words)

The rest of the series can be found here: Second Sight Index

§ And it shall come to pass, that the man whom I shall choose, his staff shall bud forth§ )



SPN: As You Sow, So Shall You Reap, PG, Dean & Sam, Reaper 'verse

As You Sow, So Shall You Reap
By Maygra

Dean/Sam. PG. Part of the Reaper 'verse. For [info]jellicle - six months after Speaking in Tongues

word count - 4,050

The characters and situations portrayed here are not mine, they belong to the CW. This is a fan authored work and no profit is being made. Please do not link to this story without appropriate warnings. Please do not archive this story without my permission.

And I must enter again the round
Zion of the water bead
And the synagogue of the ear of corn
Shall I let pray the shadow of a sound
Or sow my salt seed In the least valley of sackcloth to mourn )


Land of Sky-Blue Waters 3/3, NC17, Dean/Sam

Land of Sky-Blue Waters (3/3)
by Maygra

Dean/Sam. NC17. More or less follows Dead Man's Curve. (For Allie who wanted 15 weeks later.)

Part of the Open Road Series of loosely affiliated stories: (Reminders of Echoes, Midnight at the Majestic, and Land of Trembling Earth).

Many thanks to [info]demrepic and [info]ruby_jelly for the beta,

The characters and situations portrayed here are not mine, they belong to the CW. This is a fan authored work and no profit is being made. Please do not link to this story without appropriate warnings. Please do not archive this story without my permission.

(20,604 words)

I have lived with Shades so long, So long have talked to them, I sped to street and throng, That sometimes they In their dim style Will pause awhile To hear my say; )


Land of Sky-Blue Waters 2/3, NC17, Dean/Sam

Land of Sky-Blue Waters (2/3)
by Maygra

Dean/Sam. NC17. More or less follows Dead Man's Curve. (For Allie who wanted 15 weeks later.)

Part of the Open Road Series of loosely affiliated stories: (Reminders of Echoes, Midnight at the Majestic, and Land of Trembling Earth).

Many thanks to [info]demrepic and [info]ruby_jelly for the beta,

The characters and situations portrayed here are not mine, they belong to the CW. This is a fan authored work and no profit is being made. Please do not link to this story without appropriate warnings. Please do not archive this story without my permission.

(20,604 words)

I have lived with Shades so long, So long have talked to them, I sped to street and throng, That sometimes they In their dim style Will pause awhile To hear my say; )


Land of Sky-Blue Waters 1/3, NC17, Dean/Sam

This is a timestamp that kind of got away from me....

Land of Sky-Blue Waters
by Maygra

Dean/Sam. NC17. More or less follows Dead Man's Curve. (For Allie who wanted 15 weeks later.)

Part of the Open Road Series of loosely affiliated stories: (Reminders of Echoes, Midnight at the Majestic, and Land of Trembling Earth).

Many thanks to [info]demrepic and [info]ruby_jelly for the beta,

The characters and situations portrayed here are not mine, they belong to the CW. This is a fan authored work and no profit is being made. Please do not link to this story without appropriate warnings. Please do not archive this story without my permission.

(20,604 words)

I have lived with Shades so long, So long have talked to them, I sped to street and throng, That sometimes they In their dim style Will pause awhile To hear my say; )


HL: Worth Having - Methos/Joe implied, PG

Worth Having
by maygra

Highlander: Methos/Joe implied, PG.

for kensieg & Sweet Charity. Many thanks to [info]dswdiane & [info]acostilow for the look-over and encouragement.

3,183 words

As One Who Having Wandered All Night Long
by Robert Louis Stevenson

As one who having wandered all night long
In a perplexed forest, comes at length
In the first hours, about the matin song,
And when the sun uprises in his strength,
To the fringed margin of the wood, and sees,
Gazing afar before him, many a mile
Of falling country, many fields and trees,
And cities and bright streams and far-off ocean's smile. )

Feb. 16th, 2008


OCD in the key of Sam, NC17, Dean/Sam

OCD in the key of Sam
by Maygra

Dean/Sam, NC17. sex and plot not in equal measure. also, tattoos with no explanation.

3220 words

Dean's a little obsessed with Sam, and that's not necessarily a bad thing.

with a nod to Stele3's, the world's a small child in the dark, which is neither prequel nor parallel to this but definitely inspired it.

I could save the world, Since the night your love saved me )

Sep. 22nd, 2007


SPN: Shift (Salvation future verse, all audiences)

by Maygra

SPN: Dean & Sam and the whole crew.

Vague future-fic, set in the Salvation future-verse, set well before Time's a'Comin. Once more, with more questions than answers.

Notes to follow. Permanent link [[here]].

(5,960 words)

Life is like an ever-shifting kaleidoscope - a slight change, and all patterns alter. ~Sharon Salzberg )

Aug. 25th, 2007


Second Sight: For how shall I endure

For How Shall I Endure
Thirteenth in the Second Sight Universe
By Maygra

Supernatural, all audiences, future-fic, angst.

(3,238 words)

The characters and situations portrayed here are not mine, they belong to the WB. This is a fan authored work and no profit is being made. Please do not link to this story without appropriate warnings. Please do not archive this story without my permission.

For how shall I endure to see the evil that shall befall my people? )

Jan. 1st, 2007


Writing on the Wall (Reaper 'verse, Dean/Sam, PG13)

Writing on the Wall
by Maygra

Reaper 'verse. Sam/Dean, PG13

Follows some months after the events in Reap the Wild Wind. Author's notes to follow.

(5,041 words)

The characters and situations portrayed here are not mine, they belong to the WB. This is a fan authored work and no profit is being made. Please do not link to this story without appropriate warnings. Please do not archive this story without my permission.

Break me my bounds, and let me fly -- To regions vast of boundless sky; )

Aug. 11th, 2010


Sticky post of All SPN Fiction:

Sticky post of All SPN Fiction:

Gen, One-offs )

Devil's Trap )

Second Sight )

Ferryman )

Pre-slash/Slash (Mature Audiences - Incest unless otherwise noted) )

Salvation )

Reaper verse )

Open Road Series )

Family Ways )

Never verse )

Slash/Adult: One-offs )

Drabbles/Deca-drabbles )