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Aug. 30th, 2015


yeah, we'll be counting stars ~★


Aug. 22nd, 2015


ATP Ad Prep

It's time to prepare our ATP ad for the month! Fill out the form below for anyone you want to advertise. Please do the leg work and make sure all currently taken characters are on there. Anything filled out incorrectly might just be left off. If there are no current taken characters write "N/A."

If possible consult with castmates first to prevent conflicting ads.

Please retain the textarea code in your response so we can just copy and paste!

You can see the ad below as we fill in information.
Ad )

Jul. 18th, 2015


ATP Ad Prep

It's time to prepare our ATP ad for the month! Fill out the form below for anyone you want to advertise. Please do the leg work and make sure all currently taken characters are on there. Anything filled out incorrectly might just be left off. If there are no current taken characters write "N/A."

If possible consult with castmates first to prevent conflicting ads.

Please retain the textarea code in your response so we can just copy and paste!

You can see the ad below as we fill in information.
Ad )

Jun. 27th, 2015


Test-Drive Meme

✿ STEP 1 | Request a invite code if you need one to make a journal.

✿ STEP 2 | Comment with your characters separately. You can leave it blank by inserting <!> If you want to exclude any of the options, this is when you should mention that. Or if you want to write out a specific prompt (or prompt options) do it up! Take this bull by the horns!

✿ STEP 3 | Someone will tag you. They might use RNG to choose between 1 - 12 for you if you didn't already or they might be wild and crazy and just choose. Maybe one person stays normal. Maybe you both choose an option!

Options )

Jun. 25th, 2015


To better stalk a character

Fill out the information below for each of your characters and post with them individually. Then people can comment to use the info for plotting, CR, or the joy of knowledge!

Tags: ,

Jun. 20th, 2015


ATP Ad Prep

It's time to prepare our ATP ad for the month! Fill out the form below for anyone you want to advertise. Please do the leg work and make sure all currently taken characters are on there. Anything filled out incorrectly might just be left off. If there are no current taken characters write "N/A."

If possible consult with castmates first to prevent conflicting ads.

Please retain the textarea code in your response so we can just copy and paste!

You can see the ad below as we fill in information.
Ad )

Jun. 12th, 2015


The HEARTS meme!


1 : List your characters—one per comment!
2 : Respond to other characters with the combination of hearts that expresses your character's feelings!
3 : Feel free to leave hearts as they are or customize the text in the provided code. (Or, if none of these are working for you, go here, pick an alternate color, and make up your own.)
4 : Hover over the hearts you've received to see if you have hidden messages!

"I would kill you :)"

"I would physically or emotionally hurt you."

"I would like to get to know you better."

"I would spend time/have fun/be friends with you"

"I would rescue you/fight by your side."

"I would hug you or hold your hand."

"I would kiss you."

"I would date you."

"I would have sex with you."

"I would/could fall in love with you."

May. 16th, 2015



It's time to prepare our ATP ad for the month! Fill out the form below for anyone you want to advertise. Please do the leg work and make sure all currently taken characters are on there. Anything filled out incorrectly might just be left off. If there are no current taken characters write "N/A."

If possible consult with castmates first to prevent conflicting ads.

Please retain the textarea code in your response so we can just copy and paste!

You can see the ad below as we fill in information.
Ad )

Apr. 18th, 2015



It's time to prepare our ATP ad for the month! Fill out the form below for anyone you want to advertise. Please do the leg work and make sure all currently taken characters are on there. Anything filled out incorrectly might just be left off. If there are no current taken characters write "N/A."

If possible consult with castmates first to prevent conflicting ads.

Please retain the textarea code in your response so we can just copy and paste!

You can see the ad below as we fill in information.
Ad )

Mar. 30th, 2015



Mar. 22nd, 2015



It's time to prepare our ATP ad for the month! Fill out the form below for anyone you want to advertise. Please do the leg work and make sure all currently taken characters are on there. Anything filled out incorrectly might just be left off. If there are no current taken characters write "N/A."

If possible consult with castmates first to prevent conflicting ads.

Please retain the textarea code in your response so we can just copy and paste!

You can see the ad below as we fill in information.
Ad )

Mar. 21st, 2015


Anniversary Love Meme!


Today, we're celebrating six years (and 21 days) of the Marina Asylum RP empire. It was born on Inksome and raised on Insane Journal where it's had a couple of homes, but we're still swimming along! Enough of the history lesson, it's time to share the love!

• We'll start things off with a few general categories of things to love! You comment to share details of your love for these things!

• Comment with a list of your characters (fandoms and journals included, please) and receive love for them!

• Feel free to post other categories and spread the love there, too!

• Tag around and tell everyone what you love about them, their characters, and everything else!

No official plotting post for March since we'll all be busy with this, but it will be back again next month and you can always hit people up here with your plans!

Jan. 24th, 2015



It's time to prepare our ATP ad for the month! Fill out the form below with anyone you want to advertise for. Please do the leg work and make sure all currently taken characters are on there. Anything filled out incorrectly might just be left off. If there are no current taken characters write "none."

If possible consult with castmates first!

Please retain the textarea code in your response so we can just copy and paste!

You can see the ad below as we fill in information.
Ad )

Dec. 27th, 2014


Test-Drive Meme

Welcome to MarinaNova!

We planned a party just for you! Sure, it's prison and that's kind of a downer, but it doesn't mean you can't have a slice of cake or a cup of possibly spiked punch, right? Mix, mingle, maybe even dance. Meet your fellow new arrivals or some of the old timers.

If nothing else you can reflect on just how strange it is to be at a party on the beach inside a prison which is in a dome under the sea. What an interesting life you lead!

Having fun? RESERVES are always open! APPLICATIONS will open on the first Sunday of the month! (January 4 at noon EST.)

Dec. 20th, 2014



It's time to prepare our ATP ad for the month! Fill out the form below with anyone you want to advertise for. Please do the leg work and make sure all currently taken characters are on there. Anything filled out incorrectly might just be left off. If there are no current taken characters write "none."

If possible consult with castmates first!

Please retain the textarea code in your response so we can just copy and paste!

You can see the ad below as we fill in information.
Ad )

Nov. 21st, 2014


ATP Ad Prep

It's time to prepare our ATP ad for the month! Fill out the form below with anyone you want to advertise for. Please do the leg work and make sure all currently taken characters are on there. Anything filled out incorrectly might just be left off. If there are no current taken characters write "none."

If possible consult with castmates first!

Please retain the textarea code in your response so we can just copy and paste!

You can see the ad below as we fill in information.
Ad )

Oct. 25th, 2014


Test-Drive Meme

Welcome to MarinaNova!

We planned a party just for you! Sure, it's prison and that's kind of a downer, but it doesn't mean you can't have a slice of cake or a cup of possibly spiked punch, right? Mix, mingle, maybe even dance. Meet your fellow new arrivals or some of the old timers.

If nothing else you can reflect on just how strange it is to be at a party on the beach inside a prison which is in a dome under the sea. What an interesting life you lead!

Having fun? RESERVES are always open! APPLICATIONS will open on the first Sunday of the month! (November 2 at noon EST.)

Oct. 18th, 2014


ATP Ad Prep

It's time to prepare our ATP ad for the month! Fill out the form below with anyone you want to advertise for. Please do the leg work and make sure all currently taken characters are on there. Anything filled out incorrectly might just be left off. If there are no current taken characters write "none."

If possible consult with castmates first!

Please retain the textarea code in your response so we can just copy and paste!

You can see the ad below as we fill in information.
Ad )

Sep. 27th, 2014


Test-Drive Meme

Welcome to MarinaNova!

Welcome to the best underwater prison in the multiverse, where the party never stops! Okay, it does stop but not for many hours yet. Have a refreshing drink, chat with your fellow inmates and do try not to upset the maintenance bots. Whether you're a new arrival, someone who has returned after a long absence or just a random stopping by for a drink, you're all welcome!

Having fun? RESERVES are always open! Applications will open on the first Sunday of the month!

Sep. 20th, 2014


ATP Ad Prep

It's time to prepare our ATP ad for the month! Fill out the form below with anyone you want to advertise for. Please do the leg work and make sure all currently taken characters are on there. Anything filled out incorrectly might just be left off. If there are no current taken characters write "none."

If possible consult with castmates first!

Please retain the textarea code in your response so we can just copy and paste!

You can see the ad below as we fill in information.
Ad )

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