Lord of the Rings Slash Fanfiction
9th-Aug-2007 04:33 pm
What with all the hoo-rah going down at LJ just recently I've been spending too much time reading and not enough time hammering that keyboard. Still, it's not all been time wasted - with FanWorksFinder up, I've been hunting down old favourite fics of mine.

For those of you in need of an elf-fix, have a look at Pluto's Bow and Bloom site. All of it slash, but not necessarily explicit lemon. Some jolly good writing which makes me despair and aspire at the same time.

9th-Jan-2008 09:18 pm (UTC)
thanks for the rec, found a couple good fics there.
21st-Jan-2008 10:03 am (UTC)
You're welcome. I found some good new stuff too. Are you a fan of Mariole's writing? I've just been reading her Frodo fic devoted. Oh wow, such good writing! all the range from happy-upbeat to sobbing into my kleenex.


28th-Jun-2008 12:53 pm (UTC)
umm,sorry to bother you. But that's a very old site is there any newer ones?
30th-Jun-2008 06:54 am (UTC)
I think a lot of the LOTR sites are about the same age: from when the films first came out.

I did find another old site with some good writing on it though:

hope that keeps you going for a while!
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