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Hopping on the hiatus bandwagon! [Aug. 3rd, 2011|12:32 am]
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[Feels Like | cheerful]

Your mod Beth here. ^^ I'm going to be out of town Thursday through Monday, without any internet access-- at least, that's what it's looking like.

--) activity check/sweeps will happen (after 11:59pm on Monday August 8th; no one on hiatus will be swept)
--) we can play our next plot! so let me know what you guys want~
--) my babies will be dancing around the ship naked... or more active, at least

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mod post: 018 [May. 4th, 2011|10:34 am]
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[Feels Like | busy]

Bad mod is bad. I realize I've been especially slow these last couple days and, unfortunately, I don't foresee that changing until... Sunday, I think. We just got a dog (as a foster placement), so there's lots of stuff to do and it's kind of exhausting. >.<

ANYWAY. The point is, I will definitely do all modly things that need doing, BUT I probably won't be posting replies with any sort of speed. Apologies all!
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bad uhura [Apr. 19th, 2011|09:25 am]
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So, forgive my general absence. I've been writing papers and studying but SOON IT WILL ALL END because they're due within the week.

Anyone wanna thread?
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[Apr. 2nd, 2011|03:16 pm]

Ummm. . . oops?

I totally thought I'd posted a little hiatus note, but I didn't, so my apologies! I've had some ongoing health issues crop up and eat me. HOPEFULLY it's starting to stabilize now though, so I'll try to be around more often!

I've got a lot to catch up on, so I'll be reading up, and give me a poke if there's something I should know, or if you'd like Sulu for anything.

And if I missed any new arrivals, hi! I'm Dena, I play Sulu. *waves*
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[Feb. 21st, 2011|09:02 pm]

And I return from hiatus! And I plan to spend tonight / tomorrow reading all the things I missed :D. Except Angela (back from her leave) to be very 0_o.
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[Feb. 10th, 2011|09:20 am]
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Because my timing is ah-mahzing I'm going to be on hiatus from the 11th to the 20th, Our lovely and gracious mod (what me, sucking up? ;P) has give me permission to say Angela is on shore leave during this time, to explain why she won't be around for the whole plot that's going down.

When she gets back trust me, she'll be very 0_o.

As for me ...I look forward to doing some epic reading catch up when I return to the land of free time! :D
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[Jan. 30th, 2011|10:59 pm]

I wanted to apologize for being somewhat scarce. I've been cribbing internet from neighbors for the past few weeks and it hasn't exactly been reliable. But now? Now, I'm a real, fully actualized adult with wireless of her own. The result is that I will finally, finally be around regularly and able to check emails at the drop of a hat. I'm all a flush and atwitter with the promise of reliable internet access, but hopefully I will not let it go to my head.

I've been (belatedly) catching up on everyone's threads and entries, and have been struck by how uniquely awesome all the players in this comm are. I can't wait to rp with you all now that I will be a permanent internet junkie.
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Back from hiatus [Jan. 17th, 2011|08:45 pm]


A sudden family incident took me away on a hiatus, but I am working on making my way back now.

I know I have a couple of scenes to tag and I am working on Kirk's interview, but if anyone needs Kirk or Emony for anything at all, please let me know. I'm eager to make my return.

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back! [Jan. 3rd, 2011|11:47 pm]

Hi folks! I just wanted to drop a quick line apologizing for going slightly AWOl the past few weeks. Real life took a chaotic turn and I ended up stranded with family and unreliable internet access. I'm back now though and so happy this game has started! Let me know if you'd like to plot with Uhura. And welcome to all the new players and characters!
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mod post: 001 [Dec. 2nd, 2010|01:36 am]
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Holds Open December 13th!
Game Opens January 3rd!

(Also, tagging post.)
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