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Away team to Angel I plotting post! [Jul. 7th, 2011|12:09 am]


From the Away Team sign up page:

→ Ladies Choice
who: Ann Mulhall, Christine Chapel, Gaila, Nyota Uhura, Areel Shaw + [2 security]
what: When the Enterprise goes to make official first contact with the matriarchal society of Angel I, a radical group of isolationists disrupt the proceedings and take the crew members hostage.
when: TBD
where: Angel I
notes: only female crew members allowed

Details, Ideas, and Discussion! )
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The Ask Me Anything Meme [Jul. 5th, 2011|02:51 am]


Alright so in March we did this meme, and normally I wouldn't have an urge to redo it so quickly, but we've gotten a lot of new players and new characters since then so Beth has given me permission to post this again!

Here's how it goes!

Just comment to this entry with your character's name and then people can ask your characters questions. The questions can be anything from the most trivial to the super serious.

Then the player of the character in question answers the question(s) ICly! (So if you ask McCoy something, it's "McCoy" that answers. And since it's ICly it can be a lie if the character is so inclined to do so.) If you're uncertain, don't stress-- this isn't some kind of binding thing or whatever.

Keep in mind that anything learned from this meme is not applicable in game unless it comes up ICly in game. This is just OOC funness to help us get to know these characters better.

So have at it! And remember: have fun! That's the most important part of all, after all.
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Hello everyone~ [Jul. 4th, 2011|11:02 pm]

For those of you I haven't yet met on aim, I'm Lynn and I'm your new Uhura! I've never played on IJ before, but I've been playing Uhura on LJ for a year and a half or so. I absolutely love Trek and am so very excited to be in a Trek game again.

I'm totally up for plotting, and I only bite if you ask me to. ;) Aim is definitely the easiest way to get ahold of me (thehauntedpiano), but PMs and email ( work too. I can't wait to play with you all!

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[Jul. 1st, 2011|04:13 pm]

Semi-/Mini-Hiatus until Tues. 7/5 - heading to the shore Saturday morning. While I'll have limited internet access, I fully intend to bury myself in a book and my toes in the sand! Leave messages if you wanna plot when I get back!
Happy 4th everyone!!!
Lindsay / Gabby
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[Jul. 1st, 2011|01:41 am]

Hello, hello, hello!! My name is Ren and I'll be your new Captain James Tiberius Kirk. You may all bow at the chair.

Nah, I kid, but I'm hoping to have a great time with you guys. I think you all know Jim pretty well (I would hope at least if you're in this RP...>.>...) so I'll just stick to really introducing myself.

I've been RPing online for I lost count about 10 years a while, and I'm a professional cosplayer, I also write fanfiction on the side. I'm online pretty much all the time, and if I'm not, I will be soon. You can find me on AIM, Skype, YIM, WLM, if you need me to get another one I probably can...yeah, or you can send me a message/email, however you want, all of my contact stuff will be linked on my profile.

So yeah, that's about it. If there's anything else you guys want to know, feel free to ask. I'm going to go run around and get to know everything before I actually do anything on here. So see you guys around!
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[Jun. 30th, 2011|04:32 pm]


Hey guys. I didn't put this here. I'm going on hiatus. I've had a couple of really really bad days and I need to decompress.

Christine and Yaxara will be back when I return, and I'll want massive amounts of play!

<3 Stacey
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mod post: 020 [Jun. 14th, 2011|12:04 am]
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[Feels Like | accomplished]

Argh, I definitely got food poisoning-- and then had to get a new computer. (Long story.) So. Apologies for the vanishing act part two.

But now! Onto business:
  1. Marriage plot shenanigans! I am officially scheduling it for June 18th. An IC plotty post will be forthcoming (probably the day before) but basically I'll put up an open thread and then people can go nuts! Shore leave party, woo. Feel free to let the rumor mill run about potential time off until then.

  2. Speaking of June 18th-- I'll be doing sweeps that night. So any characters not posted by the end of the day EST will be swept unless: (1) you speak to me, or (2) you're on hiatus.

  3. I'm going to start running ads again! Finally! But if you have friends/suggestions/any ideas about where to do so, I'd love to hear 'em. ^^
So, let me know if you've any questions/comments/concerns/suggestions/ideas/etc. Cheers!
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hiatus coming up [Jun. 10th, 2011|11:57 pm]

Hi,I'm going to be on hiatus 6/18-6/25. Family vacation (and hopefully the kids will be tired enough to go to sleep early) so I may be able to check in occasionally, but basically Giotto, Ann Mulhall and Burnie aren't likely to be around.
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just for fun [Jun. 3rd, 2011|02:11 pm]

Since we're about to have an accidental wedding, inspired I'm pretty sure by a Firefly episode, I thought I'd share this:

"She Said Her Name was Saffron"

and since Scotty is the surprise groom:

"Kilted for Her Pleasure"

Both are by Marc Gunn, a Celtic harper who also writes filk. The second is one of my favorites, but then I first ran across Mr. Gunn because he part of the Brobdingnagian Bards, the group who wrote 'Do Virgons Taste Better?' (so you understand my taste in music).
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mod post: 019 [May. 26th, 2011|11:22 pm]
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[Feels Like | anxious]

Okay! So obviously I didn't mean to vanish on y'all. Massive apologies! And I know we've all been lagging, so. Yes. I'm thinking we might try getting back into the swing of things, yeah?

Here's the plan:
  1. Sweeps will take place in one week on June 1st at 11:59pm EST, so any characters you want to keep need to be updated by then!

  2. Minor plots will be starting up again-- suggestions are welcome; so far, I'm thinking an influenza like virus bugging the crew and maybe some shore leave?

  3. We need to decide what we want our next big plot to be! I was thinking marriage plot maybe? To coencide with shore leave shenanigans or something... but other ideas are welcome, too.
Post any questions/comments/concerns/suggestions/ideas/etc. below. I've missed you all! ♥
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