Jun. 13th, 2010


Nerves Boy....

Who: Matt Kiel | Dorian Maus
What: Matt needs to talk to his friend about important things.
When: June 13th
Where: Dori and Maddock's apartment above The Tea Party
Warnings: None
Status: Incomplete

May. 17th, 2010


Oh, you hate your job? Why didn't you say so?

Who: Dorian Maus, Open
What: Dori is waiting to serve you
When: May 17th, Evening
Where: The Tea Party
Status: Incomplete

There's a support group for that. It's called EVERYBODY, and they meet at the bar )

May. 14th, 2010


Who: Valentina Mihailova (The Walrus), Matt Keehl (The Fawn), and OPEN.
Where: Thiasos, South Hallow Street, Wonderland.
What: A daytime visitor.
When: Mid-afternoon, Friday.
Warnings: Foul language.
Status: OPEN

By the gods Nysa, I think I might have just done it. )