Kindred Spirits Most Wanted's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Kindred Spirits Most Wanted

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[29 Sep 2014|02:04am]

Requested for: Cassie Blake
Contact: magimaeve on AIM or dropbox.

Character Name: OPEN
Suggested PB: OPEN (it would be cool if it was one who has photos with Michelle though)
Character Age: 22 and up.
Character Species: OPEN
Line details: This would be Cassie's male travel buddy. They both graduated earlier this year and have been road tripping since. I've left it very vague to allow people to fit in as they want. I'd imagine they know each other pretty damn well by now, but are comfortable taking off in different directions while they are in a town or city if needed. That's all I have in place though.

Other Connections: Link to whatever or whoever you want!
Playby Picture: N/A

Wanted Ads for [info]kndredspiritsrp [30 Jul 2014|05:40pm]

[ mood | listless ]

[info]kindredmostwntd is a sub-community of [info]kndredspiritsrp for the soul purpose of advertising character and or storyline needs. It could range from a certain playby to be used to a pre-made character seeking a player to even plot ideas.

  • If you use any sort of graphics, please try to resize them to under 400px in width; same goes for videos.

  • You will have the option to post publicly or to members only. Just know that any of the public posts will mostly likely be shared in community advertising efforts. The mods will of course ask your permission first.

  • You do not have to utilize this community at all but as a member of [info]kndredspiritsrp you are required to join it and add it to your friends list because who knows what could spark inspiration!

Further Instructions )

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