Fri, Apr. 17th, 2009, 08:37 am
[info]ladytalon1: Best Birthday Ever

Title: Best Birthday Ever
Author: [info]ladytalon1
Fandom: Firefly!
Pairing: Simon/Jayne *boggle*
Rating: PG-15
Disclaimer: Not mine, not making any $$
Word Count: 771
A/N: For the Birthday ficathon at [info]fireflyholidays. Maybe I'll get round to actually writing The Smut for these two...but don't hold your breath ;)

Aw, you’re blushin’! Ain’t that sweet )

x-posted to [info]fireflyholidays

Fri, Apr. 17th, 2009, 08:35 am
[info]ladytalon1: Between A Rock And A Rainstick

Title: Between a Rock and a Rainstick
Author: [info]ladytalon1
Fandom: Firefly
Pairing: Simon/Jayne (!)
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, not making any $$
Word Count: 1013
A/N: For [info]ana_grrl’s Random Title Generator Fic Challenge, and my first ever attempt at S/J. Hover for translation :D

Well? Whatcha gonna do ‘bout this bitty lil’ situation you’ve got yerself into, Doc? )

X-Posted to [info]ff_fanfic

Sun, Feb. 8th, 2009, 09:55 am
[info]ladytalon1: Falling Upward

Title: Falling Upward
Author: [info]ladytalon1
Fandom: Firefly
Pairing: Mal/Jayne
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Not mine, not making any $$
Word Count: 4,580 *hides*
A/N: For the [info]shiny_hats Summer Ficathon, Prompt #67: Jayne was abused at the hands of his last captain. Can Mal help him learn to trust again? Hover for translations and remember - feedback's a fangirl's best friend :)

I need for you to trust me )

X-Posted to [info]shiny_hats

Sun, Feb. 8th, 2009, 09:55 am
[info]ladytalon1: The Captain and Mr. Reynolds

Title: The Captain and Mr. Reynolds
Author: [info]ladytalon1
Characters/Pairing: Mal/Jayne, crew
Rating: PG-13 for naked articulation
Disclaimer: Not mine, not making any $$
Word Count: 4,517
A/N: This was meant to be much, much shorter. Sorry. Many passages taken directly from Joss, you'll know them when you read them... for Prompt #61 at the [info]shiny_hats Ficathon: AU: Our Mrs. Reynolds, but Jayne is the naïve new spouse from Triumph, and he’s on the level. Dedicated to [info]prehistoric_sea for letting me take a few prompts after the deadline.
WARNING: May contain trace elements of crack.

Look, Jayne… this ain’t a question of what’s pleasin’ to me, it’s kinda about the Special Hell. )

X-posted to [info]shiny_hats

Sun, Feb. 8th, 2009, 09:53 am
[info]ladytalon1: Communication Skills, Or The Lack Thereof

Title: Communication Skills, Or The Lack Thereof
Author: [info]ladytalon1
Pairing: Mal/Jayne
Rating: NC-21
Disclaimer: Not mine, not making any $$
Word Count: 1,974
Summary: Mal hasn't been listening, and Jayne has finally had enough.
A/N: A gift for [info]prehistoric_sea, who asked for Dom!Jayne/Sub!Mal ages ago... I had the devil's own time with it, but now it's (obviously) finished :) Hover for translations.

You think you’re better’n me, I know it. Think just ‘cause you’re Captain it makes it right to just ignore what I say )

Sun, Feb. 8th, 2009, 09:52 am
[info]ladytalon1: Sell Me Something Big and Untamed

Title: Sell Me Something Big And Untamed
Author: [info]ladytalon1
Pairing: Mal/Jayne
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Not mine, not making any $$
A/N: First part of who knows how many, I just had to post this part to see how y'all liked it - let me know if you think it's worth continuing. As you'll be able to tell, it's AU.

His attention is caught by a pair of blue eyes so full of hatred that it makes him take a step back )

Sun, Feb. 8th, 2009, 09:49 am
[info]ladytalon1: For Mal

Title: For Mal
Author: [info]ladytalon1
Pairing: Jayne/Mal
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Not mine, not making any $$
Summary: Jayne works on preparing a Valentine's Day gift for Mal

For Mal )

Sun, Feb. 8th, 2009, 09:47 am
[info]ladytalon1: The Blanket War

Title: The Blanket War
Author: [info]ladytalon1
Pairing: Mal/Jayne
Rating: PG-15
Disclaimer: Not mine, not making any $$

The Blanket War )

Sun, Feb. 8th, 2009, 09:41 am
[info]ladytalon1: Bedtime Stories

Title: Bedtime Stories
Author: [info]ladytalon1
Pairing: Jayne/Inara
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Not mine, not making any $$
Notes: My first Jaynara (or Inayne, as some call it), so please let me know what you think of it and what, if anything (or everything, for that matter), can be changed to make the story better. Because I'm not too confident about it... written in response to a prompt by [info]bookaddict43 - she wanted "Jayne/Inara, talking about their sex life - or lack of one", so I hope this fits the bill. *bites nails worriedly*

Bedtime Stories )

Sun, Feb. 8th, 2009, 09:32 am
[info]ladytalon1: Strange Bedfellows

Title: Strange Bedfellows
Author: [info]ladytalon1
Pairing: Jayne/YoSaffBridge
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Not mine, not making any $$
A/N: This is my first YoSaffBridge fic, so please please please tell me what you think of it. Questions, comments, suggestions very welcome! I need your opinion before anyone else sees this, ladies :)

Special thanks go to [info]mercsgoodgirl for sharing the secret of "hover" translations with me - if you see a word you don't know, hover over it. I think I may have missed one or two words, but you should be able to understand what's going on anyway ;) always surprised me how good it felt to simply let go and forget. )

Sun, Feb. 8th, 2009, 09:31 am
[info]ladytalon1: Knowle Rohrer, In The Bedroom, With The Chocolate Ice Cream

Title: Knowle Rohrer, In The Bedroom, With The Chocolate Ice Cream
Author: [info]ladytalon1
Fandom: X-Files
Pairing: Knowle/Monica
Rating: PG-13 for...themes ;)
Disclaimer: Not mine, not making any $$
Word Count: 200

Clicky! )

Sun, Feb. 8th, 2009, 09:30 am
[info]ladytalon1: Drabbling With Knowle

When you're bored in class and have your assignment already done, what else is there to do but drabble all over yourself? ;)

Title: Barracks Hijinks
Characters: Knowle Rohrer, Shannon McMahon, Billy Miles
Word Count: 100
Oh, God - Why? Because everyone knows this is what probably happened when all the Super Soldiers were getting trained and used to their regenerative properties.

Read more... )

Title: Welcome Home
Pairing: Monica/Knowle
Word Count: 100

Read more... )

Sun, Feb. 8th, 2009, 09:29 am
[info]ladytalon1: Code Three

Title: Code Three
Author: [info]ladytalon1
Fandom: The X-Files
Pairing: Knowle Rohrer/Monica Reyes
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine, not making any money
Word Count: 100

Code Three )

Sun, Feb. 8th, 2009, 09:29 am
[info]ladytalon1: Birthday Gift

Title: Birthday Gift
Author: [info]ladytalon1
Fandom: Bones
Pairing: Angela/Jamie
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, not making any $$
A/N: [info]guinny_hamilton prompted me to write something about Jamie and a kitten. This is what ya get.

Read more... )

Sun, Feb. 8th, 2009, 09:27 am
[info]ladytalon1: Two of a Kind

Title: Two of a Kind
Author: [info]ladytalon1
Fandom: Bones
Pairing: Jamie/Angela
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Not mine, not making any $$
A/N: This one's for [info]bugchicklv, who requested Angela/Jamie, "Talk Dirty to Me."

I thought you enjoyed having something big and powerful between your legs )

Sun, Feb. 8th, 2009, 09:26 am
[info]ladytalon1: Drabbling With Mike

All are 100 words.

Prompt: Calculator )

Prompt: IRS )

Prompt: LJ )

Prompt: Crunchy )

Prompts from the wonderfully wonderful Guinneh, X-posted to [info]mike_rogo...why not join while you're there? ;)

Sun, Feb. 8th, 2009, 09:25 am
[info]ladytalon1: Drabbling With Mike. Again.

100 words, prompts from [info]guinny_hamilton

Prompt: Dove )

Prompt: Katie )

Prompt: Orchid )

Prompt: Chinese Curse )

Sun, Feb. 8th, 2009, 09:23 am
[info]ladytalon1: Handyman

Title: Handyman
Author: [info]ladytalon1
Fandom: The Inside
Pairing: Danny/Rebecca (Danbecca!)
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Not mine, not making any $$
A/N: This is for [info]guinny_hamilton who requested Danny trying to fix Rebecca's shower. It was intended to be relatively smut free, but... I couldn't help it. And yes, I'm still working on the other prompts - I haven't forgotten, don't worry!

I’ve got it totally under control )

Sun, Feb. 8th, 2009, 09:23 am
[info]ladytalon1: Five Words

Title: Five Words
Author: [info]ladytalon1
Fandom: The Inside
Pairing: Danny/Rebecca
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, not making any $$
Word Count: 189
A/N: The inspiration for this fic came from a pamphlet I saw in my Women's Studies class last semester when we were studying violence against women - the text on this particular pamphlet said, "The sexiest thing you can say to a woman is, 'Is this okay with you?'" and it really rang true with me. When watching The Inside, I found that Danny/Rebecca would be the perfect application of this so I hope you enjoy it.

Five Words )

Sun, Feb. 8th, 2009, 09:21 am
[info]ladytalon1: Fixation

Title: Fixation
Author: [info]ladytalon1
Fandom: Full Metal Jacket
Pairing: Animal Mother/OFC
Rating: PG-15
Disclaimer: Not mine, not making any $$
A/N: Comes after Oasis.

He was studying her like he hadn’t eaten in weeks and she was a seven course feast )

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