The IronMan Seven

August 24th, 2007

August 24th, 2007

Fullmetal Alchemist (Hei/Ed) [week 1 - prompt #3]

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Title: Winter Nights
Author: [info]kairiku
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Non-explicit sex, series spoilers, implied incest.
Word Count: 301
Summary: It's cold on the floor, damn it.
Author's Notes: This totally turned out nothing like I wanted it to. DX

Don't ask me what I think of you, I might not give the answer that you want me to. )

Week #2: SMUT

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Sub-genre: Smut (Erotica, porn....) [August 27 - September 2]

1. Full full moon and that same sad nature/wanna cover every inch of you like ink on paper

2. The world was on fire, no one could save me but you/ Strange what desire will make foolish people do

3. I like the song you'll sing for me, when I touch you

4. keep on whispering in my ear, tell me all the things that I wanna hear

5. I might like you better if we slept together

6. Poor is the man whose pleasures depend on the permission of another

7. every time I scratch my nails down someone else's back I hope you feel it

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to create five pieces of fiction (of at least 50 words each) using five out of the seven prompts posted above. Interpret them as you wish. Use the same pairing for all five to paint an entire sexual history. Change it up and use different characters to tell five separate smutty tales. It's up to you! Have fun and be creative!

For this week and this week only, there is one additional rule: all your fic for smut week should be explicit. R-to-NC-17, M, not worksafe, Adult, whatever rating system you use: just don't fade to black on these ones. Bring the porn. ^^

You can begin posting for these themes on August 27th, and your posts should come on five different days.

Gundam Wing (Duo)[week 1 - prompt 3]

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Title: Truths
Author: purple_alicorn
Rating: FR13
Warnings: pottymouth
Word Count: 454
Author’s notes: This prompt screamed “Duo” to me because of his mantra “I run, I hide, I never tell a lie”. Style wise, I wanted to try a dialogue format, but realised that adding the other sides in could get very messy, so I just recorded Duo’s side. I think it works.”Everyone )

Katekyo Hitman Reborn (Gokudera and Yamamoto, Gen) [Week 1 - Prompt 2]

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Title: n/a
Author: Aviy
Rating: PG
Warnings: Spoilers for Future Arc
Word Count: 516
Summary: n/a
Authors Notes: Angsty future arc is angsty.

I wish I knew, why orchids? )

Original: Bijou (Onyx->Jade) [week 1, theme 7]

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Title: Appraisal
Author: Laylah
Rating: PG
Word Count: 200
Summary: "You're worth so much more than that," he says.

Appraisal )


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Whew, have just gotten through everything you guys have produced so far -- and it's impressive, how much you guys have come up with already! -- and have been adding tags to all the fic entries.

Each entry should now have three tags: your username, the fandom, and the week/prompt that the piece was for.

Those of you who've written original fic: if your original 'verse has a name, I'd be happy to edit the tag to reflect that (my own original piece, for example, is tagged "original: bijou") -- just let me know if you'd like me to do that for you. ^^

You can look at all the active tags for the challenge here.

Kingdom Hearts 2 (Xehanort -> Ansem) [week 1, prompt 4]

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Title: Apt Pupil
Author: Sister Coyote
Rating: PG
Word Count: 500
Warnings: Spoilers
Summary: That was not why he had offered.

Seawater dripped from the ends of his long hair... )

SG-1/SGA(lorne) [Painfic - Week 1/prompt #2]

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Title: A time to gain, a time to lose

Author: vagablonde

Rating: Teen for language

Warnings: character death, original characters

Word Count: 2828

Summary: There's no such thing as a simple mission...

Author's Notes: The initials FNG is a slang term for Fucking New Guy
Beta'd by [info]drkcherry

Prompt #2: The pain of war cannot exceed the woe of aftermath. )

FFXII/Vaan and Balthier [Painfic/Prompt 6]

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Author: Susan/[info]scriptoria
Rating: G
Word Count: 221
Characters: Vaan, Balthier; Penelo mentioned

He doesn't need people worrying for him - he can take care of himself. )

Kaze no Stigma (Kazuma, Ayano) [Week 1, Prompt 6]

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Title: Payment
Author: [info]lanerose
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 125
Summary: Ayano stormed up to him as he entered the Kannagi household. )

Fullmetal Alchemist (Martel) [week 1 - prompt 2]

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Title: Stone Cold
Author: Cadence
Rating: R
Warnings: creepiness, referenced death
Word Count: 300
Summary: They would never have been the ones she sought out.

Stone Cold )

Prince of Tennis (Tezuka/Fuji) [week 1, prompt 5]

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Title: In Love
Author: [info]ketchupblood
Rating: PG
Warnings: slash, Tezuka/OC
Word Count: 600
Summary: She couldn't look at Tezuka the same way as Fuji did, because he loved Tezuka more than anything.

Because he loved him. )

Numb3rs (Don/Liz) [Week 1, Prompt #7]

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Title: Damages
Author: [info]andwhenwespeak
Rating: G
Word Count: 110
Summary: Don is broken, Liz knows.

cut )
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