Ideas for InsaneJournal
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March 2024
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I. [userpic]

following the earlier post here and the well-commented post to [info]asylum_promo and being a long-time IJer, i'd like to suggest making [info]asylum_promo fully moderated with a significant number of moderators to facilitate quick approval. further, i'd suggest explicitly stating max 1 promo of a given asylum per week and any post longer than ~10 lines, promoting more than ~3 asylums, or containing *any* images goes behind a cut.

edit: of course, please discuss the specifics of the restrictions in the comments, as people have already begun to do--my choices were somewhat arbitrary.


Except actually the 3 asylums part... that part isn't so bad. I don't mind lists of asylums, it's actually more of a hassle to go behind the cut for them. Images, yes. Text, nah.

Still, word on the moderation thing. And for godssake, twice a week at MINIMUM... none of this twice a day stuff.

i could live with twice a week, but i don't see why more than once a week is really needed...

and now that i think about it, i can see dropping the 3 asylum part, too.

It's not really needed more than once a week... but once every 3-4 days is not nearly as noticeable as once a day, that's all I'm saying.

Yeah, as long as it's text, it's not really messing with the code of people's friends pages, or graphics that take forever to load for people with slow connections, so I have no problem with it as long as one name isn't typed out fifty times, LOL.

but once every 3-4 days is not nearly as noticeable as once a day, that's all I'm saying

Yeah, absolutely. But to be honest? I have my Recent Entries set to 20 (not like, uh, 5, like some people) and even if it was "just" once a week, I'D NOTICE. In general, people aren't so forgetful that they can't remember an asylum when it was posted just a week ago. Personally, I'd even survive a limit of "once a month" (cue gasps of horror).

i'd survive on once a month, once per new major influx of people, or even *GASP* once. period.

but that's kind of draconian, and i figured i could put up with once a week if i had to.

Oh yeah, I mean, mine's set to 20 or 25, but it still moves relatively quickly. And I would remember too if it was once per week, but ANYTHING BUT ONCE A DAY ;)

Agree with all of the above, except:

cut "any post longer than ~10 lines, promoting more than ~3 asylums"

First, I like to see good descriptions. A few lines are not an intrusion.

Second, if someone has multiple asylums to pimp, I'm all for combining them in a single post. Gets it over with.

Taking both of those together, anyone with a brain could pack an awful lot of effective pimpage in a mere 15 lines or so, without being obtrusive.

Finally, I'm not sure about cuts. It gets confusing to combine too many rules. I'd say no cuts, NO images, and a maximum of 15 lines, and just leave it at that. To keep it simple.

And if they simply must have an image, well, they can do what I do:

*points to Mac icon*

i could see 15 lines as a limit... really, what i wanted was "no more than half my normal browser window" as a limit, but that's kind of hard to explain/enforce.

i think offering the option of cuts for people who really feel like they need to post all their rules/images/characters/etc. could be helpful, though.

Yeah, for RPGs a cut would be helpful, I think - put the RPG name, genre, etc at the top of the post and then a cut with "plot and characters under here" or something.

In the past maintainer of a_p has been a very hands-off sort of thing. If something like this came into play even without moderated posting, getting another moderator might be a good idea. Personally I wouldn't mind being one of them - I already have experience maintaining communities, and unfortunately due to my current health problems I have plenty of free time.

Max of one post a week sounds like it would be fairly widely accepted, at least by the people who've commented on my post (and yes, it was fun coming home from a day at the zoo to SEVEN MILLION COMMENTS :D), though I notice that almost none of the people who've been doing the posting have spoken up...

The one-per-week limit seems about right.

"though I notice that almost none of the people who've been doing the posting have spoken up..."

Yeah, it might be instructive to check their userinfos to see if they even bother to watch the asylum they're so gleefully spamming.

Yeah, it might be instructive to check their userinfos to see if they even bother to watch the asylum they're so gleefully spamming.

Chances of this: No


NOTE: turn email notifications OFF before launching spam-attack.

And then delete entry for good measure.

I just wish people weren't so discourteous that this would have to be needed. =/

Personally I don't mind text, small images are okay by me, but some of the large images are just flipping awful. And posting every day really irritating. A week would be much better, but i feel sorry for the mods.

I think this is a great idea. I will start looking for moderators immediately.

i'm willing to help moderate, too.

just make sure that there are clear-cut rules specified somewhere.

You are now a moderator of the asylum :)

thanks :)

now, how about those clear-cut rules?

We are working on the rules in the [info]asylumpromomods asylum. Please join there.


Will you be instituting an official RPG promo community as well?

It is being considered but I don;'t have the time right now to set up anything new with the new servers coming in.

Understandable. It won't be as much of a problem anyway now with moderation, thank goodness...

If you haven't the time to update something, I can do it for you. Community management is easy and takes little time for me. I'm assuming by how old this comment is though, you probably have already found someone to do it though.