HP Wankfest 2011


April 16th, 2008

wanking_mods @ 08:52 pm: Submissions Due!
Well, look at that. It's April 16th, and InsaneJournal is back up! ::cheers [info]squeaky::

That's right folks. It's the Wankfest due date! If you're not quite done, don't panic. We anticipated the need for extensions. Just comment to this post or send us an email (wanking.mods@gmail.com) and we'll make sure you get a bit more time.

Also, if you sent your fic or art to us before April 15 you should have heard back from us by now. If you haven't, it means we didn't get your piece, and you'll need to try resubmitting it.

We've received a lot of truly fantastic fic and art already, and we can hardly wait to begin posting on May 1. This is going to be a great fest, everyone!

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