HP Wankfest 2011


January 28th, 2008

wanking_mods @ 02:12 pm: Final Reminder!
Wankfest sign-ups will be closing soon! We have a rather large number of claims currently, so we've decided to leave sign-ups open until we get ten more claims or until the end of January, whichever comes first. So if you've been thinking about signing up, but have been putting it off -- time's running out!

The sign-up post, complete with prompt tables, is here.

If you'd like to do something a bit different, a list of prompts that no one else has claimed at all can be viewed here.

[[info]r_grayjoy would like to add that she will be terribly disappointed if no one uses the Spellotape.]

Thanks to everyone who's signed up so far; this fest is going to be fabulously wanktastic!

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