Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009

Happy Holidays!

1. My Amazon Wishlist - books mostly.

2. Bird things - I am especially fond of owls, corvids and penguins. Anything bird themed you have lying around, even used postage stamps, would be awesome.

3. Teas - Loose or bagged, any kind but green.

4. Vegan friendly sweets/snacks

5. Be kind to yourself and to others.

6. More sunshine - less gloomy, wintery darkness.

7. Surprise me! Maybe based on my LJ interests? :3

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*toddles off to grant wishes*
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Thursday, November 27th, 2008

I feel bad, because it's long, but I'm a poor college student and apparently I need things.

Wishlist )
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Monday, November 24th, 2008

Okay, let's try this...

7 wishes ... )
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my wishes~

Here's my little list. Thanks for looking! ♥

Also, anything similar you think I might like.

2. Holiday Cards
Lovely cards from lovely people.

3. Tea
A sample of your favourite, perhaps?

4. Sweets and snacks
Must be vegan, but other than that anything goes.

5. Mad Hatter & Scarecrow
Anything related to these Batman villains (nothing from the animated series or tv shows).

6. Mad Hatter & The Mad Tea Party
Anything related to this character and scene from Alice in Wonderland (nothing Disney).

Pre-loved items are always welcome. :)

my contact info )
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Sunday, November 11th, 2007

My Wishlist

My Wish List

1) Icons made specifically for me. For those who don't know me very well, feel free to check my interests on my profile page for ideas.

2) Fic written for me. Be it original or fanfic, I'd love to read it.

3) Music! Pretty much anything but rap, r&b, and country/folk. It doesn't even have to be on a cd and shipped to me. Uploaded is fine. :D In English or a different language, I love it all.

4) Lost Season One - New or used.

5) Anything from my Amazon Wishlist, but most especially any of the books. :D Again, new or used if fine.

6) The Reader Digital Book - A SonyStyle ebook reader from Sony.

7) Sign up to be a bone marrow donor, and/or donate blood. (Links are to info about each.)

8) A paid or permanent InsaneJournal account. :D I wanna be commited!

9) A commissioned art piece (one that I can actually put up on my wall), of the scene in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows where Neville frees himself from the Sorting Hat and uses Gryffindore's Sword to cut off Nagini's head.

10) Cliche though it is, I want everyone on IJ to have a safe and happy holiday.

If you have any questions about any of the wishes, feel free to contact me.

Also, I think I've followed the rules on linking, but let me know if I haven't and need to fix it. :)

Contact Info )
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Thursday, November 1st, 2007

my list of wishes

1) anything from my amazon wishlist

2) episodes of 4th series Dr Who (Tom Baker era)
these can be original dvd, burned or simply avi-files burned to cd, since i would watch them on my computer. i would be happy for for any number of episodes.

3) clothes for my Blythe dolls
same size as Skipper, except the head. clothes slightly smaller than Barbie should fit nicely. i'm open to anything except pink, purple, weird 80's patterns and shoes.

4) cross stitch patterns/kits/fabric
motifs i don't like: religious, patriotic, people, cartoon characters

5) decoupage glue

6) vegan-friendly candy/snacks
anything not containing milk, butter, gelatin, honey, bees wax, fatty acids or other animal derived ingredients.

7) small picture frames
the kind that can be hung on walls. anything approx 6x9'' (16x23cm) or smaller. any shape/colour/design.

8) Slytherin stuff
anything related to Slytherin or something in Slytherin house colours.
(nothing related to the book characters, please.)

9) Peanuts comic strips
magazines/newspapers cut-outs or Peanuts books/magazines with stips in them. i collect the stips and don't have that many at the moment. must be in either english, swedish or norwegian.

i don't mind at all if something is previously owned/used/opened, etc. :)

my contact info )
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