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Fugitives: A Heroes RPG

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05-01-2007 to 05-07-2007 [02 Mar 2009|02:43pm]

In-Game Dates for this week are Sunday May 1st, 2007 to Saturday May 7th, 2007

Feel free to post anything threads that would happen between these dates between now and next Saturday (03/07/09), including phone calls, text messages, etc. Does not have to be in order, but make sure to title ALL threads with date & time. Also, please tag threads in the main community. Thanks!

Contact the mods on aim (alicia: shadowboxrrbaby; hanne: zachondigital; rick: xparselxmouthx) if you have any questions!

Sorry it's late guys! Been a hectic weekend!

[02 Mar 2009|11:26am]

WHO: Adam Monroe & OPEN
WHAT: Adam finally has his freedom. He isn't quite sure what to do with it.
WHERE: On the Streets; Downtown Manhattan
WHEN: Saturday, April 30th.
STATUS: In Progress

The world had changed a lot in thirty years. )
(Evolve | 8 Heroes)

[27 Feb 2009|10:59pm]
Who: Peter and Claire
Where: In the big ol' city.
When: Tuesday, April 24th, starting after this thread.
What: Peter and Claire go out and cause some mischief have some over due niece/uncle bonding time.
Rating: PG~

And there's you and me, and all of the people with nothing to do. )
(Evolve | 11 Heroes)

Text Message to Claire Bennet, Tuesday April 24th, Noonish [27 Feb 2009|10:15pm]
Hey, are you there? Can you hear me? )
(Evolve | 5 Heroes)

[26 Feb 2009|02:31pm]

Who: Daphne & Elle (open if anyone else wants to join)
Where: NYC, Santo's Party House
When: Saturday Apr 28. 11pm
What: clubbin. alcohol, dancing, new friends.
Rating: pg13 at least

I've had a little bit too much / All of the people start to rush, start to rush by / A dizzy twisted dance, can't find my drink, oh man / Where are my keys? I lost my phone )
(Evolve | 18 Heroes)

[23 Feb 2009|04:23pm]

WHO: Adam Monroe & Angela Petrelli
WHAT: Sedation Dreams
WHEN: Monday, April 23rd
WHERE: The Recesses of Adam's Mind & The Company NJ Facility

As much as he had been a listless wanderer and drunk without a purpose or a path, he had never been unhappy. )
(Evolve | 19 Heroes)

Left on Claire's bed in the Petrelli house [23 Feb 2009|03:33pm]

Left On: Mon Apr 22. 7pm.

A large manila envelope is left on Claire's bed. Inside are all the study materials and registration materials to get her GED. On top is a note from Angela.  )
(Evolve | 1 Hero)

[23 Feb 2009|03:06pm]

Who: Daphne & Mohinder
When: Tue Apr 24; 10am
What: Mohinder finds a woman in his bed!
Where: Matt & Daphne's flat
Rating: pg13 at least

And then the lock clicked. Matt had probably forgotten something. So Daphne just rolled over. )
(Evolve | 18 Heroes)

[22 Feb 2009|02:17pm]

Who: Charlie, Hiro & Ando
When: Sun Apr 22. 8AM (4pm eastern)
Where: Tokyo
What: Flight arrives in Tokyo finally.
Rating: pg
NOTES: italics are spoken in japanese

This was the second time Charlie had stepped into Tokyo International Airport beside Hiro. )
(Evolve | 4 Heroes)

[22 Feb 2009|01:00pm]

Who: Matt & Daphne
When: Mon Apr 23; 6pm
What: Dinner & arguing about jobs
Where: Matt & Daphne's flat
Rating: pg13 at least

while Matt was at work Daphne had cleaned the house. Laundry was finished and put away. And she'd even cooked dinner )
(Evolve | 33 Heroes)

04-22-2007 to 04-30-2007 [22 Feb 2009|12:22pm]

In-Game Dates for this week are Sunday April 22nd, 2007 to Saturday April 30th, 2007

Feel free to post anything threads that would happen between these dates between now and next Saturday (02/28/09), including phone calls, text messages, etc. Does not have to be in order, but make sure to title ALL threads with date & time. Also, please tag threads in the main community. Thanks!

Contact the mods on aim (alicia: shadowboxrrbaby; hanne: zachondigital; rick: xparselxmouthx) if you have any questions!

Early Flight [22 Feb 2009|05:59am]

Who: Claude (&open)
Sunday April 15, 2007, 9 am EST
What: Claude is on a intelligence hunt (no telling whom he might bump into)
Where: out in New York city after Claude gets off a plane at JFK
Rating: PG

(Evolve | 26 Heroes)

Text to Tallulah Jenkins From Angela's Cell [20 Feb 2009|06:35am]

When: Mon Apr 16. 7am

Get to Costa Verde and see if Eric Doyle has gone by his shop. Do not engage, this is only recon. Go late at night and poke around only.
(Evolve | 1 Hero)

[18 Feb 2009|11:12pm]

Who: Doyle and open
Monday April 16, 2 in the morning
What: A little self-reflection
Where: Just outside Doyle's Marionette Theater
Rating: PG

(Evolve | 1 Hero)

[17 Feb 2009|09:50am]

who: Angela Petrelli, Nathan Petrelli, Peter Petrelli, Claire Bennet, Simon & Monty (NPC)
where: Petrellis' Manhattan home
when: Sunday April 15, 2007. 6pm
what: family dinner
rating: pg13

Besides her role as the chairman and current operator of The Company, Angela Petrelli had a second job, a job she deemed more important. Matriarch of the Petrelli family. )
(Evolve | 10 Heroes)

[15 Feb 2009|07:05pm]

WHO: Adam Monroe & Angela Petrelli
WHEN: Sunday, April 15th
WHERE: NJ Facility

It was the first time he'd been sincerely afraid in years. )
(Evolve | 9 Heroes)

[14 Feb 2009|06:31pm]

Who: Charlie & Hiro
Where: Matt/Daphne's apartment
When: Saturday April 14th, 2007; 8pm
Rating: PG13 (for excessive cuteness?)

Charlie was completely overwhelmed. But she didn't even have time to adjust to it all. )
(Evolve | 6 Heroes)

Voice Mail for Mama Petrelli [13 Feb 2009|04:25pm]
Left on: Tuesday, April 10th, 2pm.

Leave a message after the tone. )
(Evolve | 5 Heroes)

Reporting in (for Angela) [13 Feb 2009|09:39am]

Who: The Haitian and Mrs. Petrelli
When: Tuesday
Where: The Petrelli Mansion
Rating: PG 13

He had gotten Madame's message, and read it over with a faint smile. Did the woman truly believe she had to ask for his assistance? By now she must know that he followed where she led, without question. He hadn't replied to the email; some things were better left to more personal measures. And so here he was, a bare two hours past his opening of said missive, approaching the door to the Petrelli mansion. He rang the bell, then leaned elegantly against the wall, awaiting a response.
(Evolve | 22 Heroes)

[09 Feb 2009|04:26pm]

Who: Angela & Sylar
When: Monday April 9th. 7pm
Where: Some crowded Cafe in NY
Rating: PG13ish

And now she just had to wait. )
(Evolve | 8 Heroes)

[09 Feb 2009|04:01pm]

Who: Charlie & Future!Peter
Where: Burnt Toast Diner
When: TIME TRAVEL! October 9th, 2006. 2pm
Rating: PG13?

It wasn't Sylar who grabbed Charlie, made her heart drop into her stomach and her eyes widen with the certainty that she was going to die right this moment. )
(Evolve | 10 Heroes)

[08 Feb 2009|08:37pm]

Who: Daphne & Hiro
When: Sunday April 08, 2007. 10AM
Where: Matt's apartment in NY, then Pinehearst
Rating: PG13 at least

Of all the people in world, Daphne could understand Hiro's funk. )
(Evolve | 19 Heroes)

Voice Mail Left for Gabriel Gray [08 Feb 2009|08:30pm]

WHEN: Monday April 09, 2007. 8AM

Correspondence Requested )
(Evolve | 3 Heroes)

04-08-2007 to 04-14-2007 [07 Feb 2009|11:33pm]

In-Game Dates for this week are Sunday April 8th, 2007 to Saturday April 14th, 2007

Feel free to post anything threads that would happen between these dates between now and next Saturday (02/14/09), including phone calls, text messages, etc. Does not have to be in order, but make sure to title ALL threads with date & time. Also, please tag threads in the main community. Thanks!

Contact me on AIM (shadowboxrrbaby) if you have any questions!

[05 Feb 2009|02:36am]

Who: Elle Bishop & Sylar
When: April 3 early afternoon - mid evening
Where: New York
Rating: PG-13 at the very least, possibly R. It remains to be seen.
Summary: Breaking the news, and learning about her possible future
Status: In progress

The more I know the less I understand

Notice to Former Company "Employees" [03 Feb 2009|03:22pm]

When: April 2nd, 3PM
This notice was sent out to former members of The Company -Claude, Elle, Noah, the Haitian- by any means available; text, email, etc. )
(Evolve | 41 Heroes)

[30 Jan 2009|07:44pm]

Who: Daphne & Matt (Hiro & Ando npcs atm)
When: March 30th 10AM
Where: Matt's apartment in New York
Rating: PG13 (at least language)

Yesterday had been exhausting. First that whole business with the sketchbook, then Ando's new power, and traveling to the past to get Hiro. By the time she and Hiro got back from the ruins of Pinehearst with Hiro, she had been through quite enough for the day. And staying around Mohinder's lab, or Isaac's loft or whatever it was, wasn't really high on anyone's priority list. So the group had headed back to Matt's apartment. Hiro and Ando weren't getting home any time soon with Hiro's powers gone, and Daphne didn't want to be anywhere else. So for the time being they were all crashing in the two bedroom apartment.

Before Hiro and Ando showed up, Daphne had slept in Molly's room for the past couple days. )
(Evolve | 92 Heroes)

Company Notice [30 Jan 2009|07:15pm]

When: March 30th. 7AM
This notice was sent out to every current member of the company by any means available; text, email, etc. )

03-30-2007 to 04-07-2003 [30 Jan 2009|12:01am]

The Game Is Open Today!!
In-Game Dates for this week are Friday March 30th, 2007 to Saturday April 6th, 2007

Feel free to post anything threads that would happen between these dates between now and next Saturday (02/07/09), including phone calls, text messages, etc. Does not have to be in order, but make sure to title the threads with date & time.

Contact me on AIM (shadowboxrrbaby) if you have any questions!

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