Hell Boat Net
Welcome to the Hell Boat. This is your captain speaking. Fun shall be had. Or else.


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  • Jul. 12th, 2013



    So fucking restless right now I can't stand it. And I don't know why.

    So not in the mood for this shit.

    Jul. 7th, 2013



    Well, that wasn't exactly the most pleasant thing I've ever been through, and I've been through a lot.

    Jul. 4th, 2013


    Private to Paimon

    What do you say to a firework show up on the top deck? It is the Fourth after all.

    Jul. 2nd, 2013



    Haven't slept much in the past week and a half, thanks to venturing off the boat before I could see my brother's warning. I'm just glad I made it back after only a few hours -- it could have been so much worse.

    I'm just waiting for the nightmares to start. It's rare to have this much trouble sleeping without the nightmares, so it's very much a waiting for the other shoe to drop right now.



    Let's hope our next stop, wherever it may be, is less eventful than the last. I have milennia of memories; forgetting them was the most disconcerting feeling I have ever felt. I did not like it.



    So, since I've been around a little while now, could we all just agree to understand that I'm not going to eat anyone? I'm tired of worrying I'll scare someone into needing clean underwear just trying to make my way around the ship.

    ...also? My people are called "Naga" not "giant fucking snake dudes" and yeah, I have decent hearing so I have heard that a lot.

    Jul. 1st, 2013



    Private to Phoebe

    What do you know about keeping someone from getting with child?

    Jun. 30th, 2013



    Private to Hansel

    You should come have a drink with me, and see some of this modern apparel that the ship thinks I need.

    Jun. 26th, 2013



    With the weirdness I'm feeling from the island and what everyone else has said -- I think I'm going to stay hiding in my room or somewhere else on the ship until we leave this place.

    Jun. 24th, 2013



    My device hates me, or rather, the music app on it does. It keeps playing the same song over, and over. So if you see a device being thrown overboard and a very angry sound accompanying that? That will likely be my device being tossed and me making that sound.

    Jun. 23rd, 2013



    Well, that was a damn trip and a half off the boat. I'd recommend not getting off of the ship unless you really feel the urge to.



    Private to John Black

    Would you like to do tea tomorrow?



    Private to James Earp

    I don't even know why I'm bothering So, how are you holding up? Been to the island yet?



    Private to Hansel

    Have you gotten off the ship since it ported?
    Tags: ,

    Jun. 22nd, 2013



    Private to Fiona Donavon

    Come on and meet your old man down by the pool, kiddo. I'm starting to worry that your eyes might cross from studying too much.

    Jun. 17th, 2013


    Okay, I'm not the only one thinking that getting off to explore the island is probably a bad idea, right?

    Naturally this means I'm desperate to do it. Who else is game?

    Jun. 11th, 2013



    Might not be a good time, but there's a really nice karaoke bar on Deck B if anyone would like to have a little karaoke off for some fun. The bar is well stocked too, obviously, so if you're interested come on by. The more the merrier!

    Jun. 9th, 2013



    Vetis & Ariel -- 6.5 )
    Tags: ,

    Jun. 3rd, 2013



    Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no. Simi is stuck. Simi is not pleased, not at all. She does not want to be an ugly human. Why would anyone do this to poor Simi. Simi's been good! This is so not fair.

    Jun. 1st, 2013



    What. The. Fuck.