hitsuzen in creativity

Rave posting in Happenstance
User: [info]cheloya
Date: 2011-11-03 21:43
Subject: Nostalgia: NaNoWriMo 2007 -- Bonnie and Clyde
Security: Public
Tags:bonnie and clyde, nanowrimo, petshop of horrors

It just occurred to me that I'd never really posted this anywhere except private on my LJ. This is essentially a reminder for me to post the whole thing here. In the meantime, those of you with LJ accounts lucky enough to already be on my flist will be able to access the whole story!

'97 bonnie and clyde
(the murder fic)

part 01part 11
part 02part 12
part 03part 13a
part 04part 13b
part 05extras
part 06omake
part 07
part 08
part 09
part 10

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Rave posting in Happenstance
User: [info]cheloya
Date: 2006-10-09 15:11
Subject: [Multifandom] Original; FFVII; Legal Drug; Pokémon; PSOH; Wish; xxxHOLiC
Security: Public
Music:Tori Amos // Datura
Tags:against the moon, final fantasy vii, legal drug, nanowrimo, original, petshop of horrors, pokemon, wish, xxxholic

Written as warm-ups during NaNoWriMo.

Title: Appropriate Nutrition
Fandom: Original (Against the Moon)
Character/s: Hiru, Skeff, Sanga
Words: 238
Notes: -

Honey. )

Title: Resistance
Fandom: xxxHOLiC
Character/s: Watanuki
Words: 245
Notes: -

Crazy. )

Title: Yuffie > You
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Character/s: Yuffie, Vincent
Words: 100
Notes: -

Greater. )

Title: It's Like Spilt Milk
Fandom: Petshop of Horrors
Character/s: Chris, Tetsu
Words: 200
Notes: -

Weigh. )

Title: Bells for Her
Fandom: Wish
Character/s: Kohaku, Koryuu
Words: 578
Notes: -

Form. )

Title: Red Tape of Fate?
Fandom: Legal Drug
Character/s: Kazahaya, Rikuou
Words: 340
Notes: -

Tape. )

Title: Convergence
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Character/s: Yuffie, Vincent, Cait Sith
Words: 662
Notes: -

Fortune. )

Title: Benefit of the Doubt
Fandom: Pokémon
Character/s: Jessie, James, Meowth
Words: 200
Notes: -

Arena. )

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my journal
November 2011