dem's some haggard ass icons

October 13th, 2009

03:21 am - [info]24601 - Steve-O

Ahhh it took me way too long to get to the rest of my caps from Steve-O: Demise & Rise. So long that I think everyone's forgotten about it by now, but I have so many more DVDs sitting around here with him in it that I want to cap, and even more on the way, so I needed to get this done. No, seriously, I was going to list everything I have (including my Jackass Lost Tapes on its way, yay!), but the list was too long, and I have a problem. If there's a Jackass in it, it will be bought, capped and iconned ASAP.

100 Steve-O )

03:30 am - [info]24601 - Steve-O

100 Steve-O )

03:30 am - [info]24601 - Steve-O

148 Steve-O )
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