Grey Haven OOC's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Grey Haven OOC


The Road goes ever on and on

Out from the door where it began.

Now far ahead the Road has gone,

Let others follow it who can!

Let them a journey new begin,

But I at last with weary feet

Will turn towards the lighted inn,

My evening-rest and sleep to meet.

-- J.R.R. Tolkien

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SPREAD THE PLOT LOVE BABIES! [16 May 2012|07:09pm]

It won't hurt. Swear.

SO. There are a lot of characters in the game that are new or haven't seen a lot of action yet. Then there are characters that are super incredibly active and have lots of stuff going on. In order to spread things around a bit I thought it would be a good idea if each player posted one reply per character about plot they're seeking for that particular character.

That way, if I have super over active Nancy, and might not have ideas for plotting with some of the newer/less broken-in characters, I can look at what the players are looking for and figure out some connections. And the reverse is true! With super active Nancy, I can also post some new plot ideas and get people who haven't had much interaction with her before a chance to interact.

Does this make sense at all? I have no idea so I'll be posting some examples with my characters.

If you see a plot that looks interesting or relevant to your character, reply to the comment for that character! Let's get some plot love going!

[16 May 2012|01:31pm]

Hey everyone,

I feel incredibly lost. I am not really sure how to fix things, since my characters have been MIA for some pretty important stuff, but I wanted to apologize. I haven't been a very good mod or player. I'm attempting to get back into it, but ... yeah, so if you have ideas or plots or anything I can get involved with, that would be great.


[16 May 2012|12:57pm]

Looks like I won't be here this afternoon/evening until around 11ish at night (CST), because I'm going to MEDIEVAL TIMES for my birthday! And apparently my husband called ahead to tell them its my birthday so.... idk, I may be somehow picked out. I've never been to Medieval Times so, yeah.

Anyway! I wanna know who wants to play. I'm up for anything, with any of my puppets here. Sadie is still unnerved by her encounter with Wilbur and is in a generally nervous/sour mood. Jaden is coming out of her shell socially (which may not be a good thing for some people, but should be fun anyway), and as always, Barnaby and Willa would love some plot.

Post here and we'll get something going.

NEW CHARACTER. NOW WITH 25% MORE SPAM! [15 May 2012|05:02pm]

Hi folks. BB here. This is character number four.

Meet Mneme (pronounced: NEE-MEE). She's a muse, or a succubus, depending on your point of view. A lot of the inspiration for her creature type was inspired from the Sandman comics, which you can see a bit of here. Muses have to be careful that they're not hunted down for being evil sex-death monsters or used for their ability to give sometimes epic levels of inspiration and insight.

Mneme has spent most of her life around academics; philosophers, historians and some of the hard sciences. She's moved around a lot in order to cover up the fact that she never ages (not to mention the fact that she frequently feeds off her employers) so while it's not known if a muse has ever come to Grey Haven before, it wouldn't be the most unheard of thing ever.

Hit me up for plot and stuff!

[10 May 2012|04:49pm]


THAT'S A WRAP, FOLKS! The cultists have been dealt with... but at what cost? Everyone receives word that the Haze has been saved, but the details are sparse and any evidence of a confrontation has been cleared away. The Brokers are promising increased security, and the measures that will come into play will involve Hunters becoming playable! More information on that soon! We hoped you enjoyed the shake-up the cultists caused, and look forward to seeing how your characters react in the aftermath.

Now that you've seen how big game events go down, we'd like to remind everyone that we really do enjoy using character backstories to influence the game. It doesn't have to be in such a dramatic fashion, of course, but we're open to anything and everything! Even if you only have half an idea, the mods are very happy to work with you - and you'd crack up if you knew how far this current arc wound up going off script!

Please let us know below what you thought of the event: this game is for you guys, so if there are ways for us to make it better, let us know!

Have you gotten your cultist love today? [08 May 2012|02:22pm]

Comment here. A mod or myself would LOVE to start a scene with you. Also, AIM is fantastic. So yes, I want to make sure everyone who wants the plots can get some. ♥

[08 May 2012|12:23pm]

Gah I have been HORRIBLE at being active in this RP, for which I apologize for!! I had this big group project that was 50% of my grade and man I had the worst partners ever for it, so jfdlkaadfa that was hours of my life I will never get back. However! I'm done with that!! So basically, what I'm asking is: would anyone like to have their characters harassed by Ying? I am up for anything, if only because I felt like I haven't had any fun for ages.

O hello. [06 May 2012|04:19pm]

BB again with character number three. This is Mirah. Mirah is fae. More specifically, Mirah is a child thief. (Think Peter Pan or the Doctor from Doctor Who.) Mirah goes around and abducts young people to save them from growing old so they can have adventures all day long and never listen to anything anyone tells them to do ever.

As you can imagine, being a Lost Child is just not as fun as it sounds on paper. Mirah has lost a lot of companions over the ages and has finally come to Grey Haven to figure out what's so special about being human. She has no concept of money, responsibility or basic right from wrong. There's just fun and no-fun.

I have a feeling she'll start at the Lodge. If anyone wants to give her a job to see how many hours she lasts before she is fired, BE MY GUEST. If someone thinks their character is brave enough to be a guardian, I applaud their gusto! Hit me up for plot/lines.

Also, keep her away from your children. For srs. She might get ideas.

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