Grey Haven OOC's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Grey Haven OOC


The Road goes ever on and on

Out from the door where it began.

Now far ahead the Road has gone,

Let others follow it who can!

Let them a journey new begin,

But I at last with weary feet

Will turn towards the lighted inn,

My evening-rest and sleep to meet.

-- J.R.R. Tolkien

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[04 May 2012|06:37pm]

And here she is!

Meet Willa Mason, former Sasquatch turned wiry brunette come to Grey Haven 13 years ago with her husband Clint [info]bare_feet and son Jack (now 15). Willa is gentle-natured, super friendly, and full of energy (mostly provided for by her caffeine addiction). Willa makes fragrances, toiletries, and beauty products made from wild-grown ingredients (which she gathers herself) and sells them at her little shop (The Herb Basket), which is attached to her husband's (Holistic Medicine). She's a bit of a hippie who loves her family, her life in Grey Haven, and vanilla cappuccinos. Chances are, if you've been around the town for a while, you know the Masons; Clint's over-generous nature and Willa's affinity for randomly telling wild stories.

So plots? Yes?

[04 May 2012|05:27pm]

Oh hey. Just your friendly neighborhood Sasquatch here. Don't mind him.

I am Ally and this is Clint Mason, former Bigfoot. He's lived in GH for 13 years, has a 15 year old son named Jack and is married to Willa Mason ([info]_storyteller). He's a super nice guy, owns/operates Mystic Medicine and Supply. He is a holistic healer who relies on herbal remedies, tonics, tinctures, ointments, etc. to heal wounds. He sells teas, crystals, herbs, etc. He and his wife can be found at their booth in the Farmer's Market on Fridays and Saturdays and they also organize the local Co-Op, but I'll let her tell you about that. Anyway, people probably know him and like him if they've been around for longer than a year.

So yes, plots and lines, throw them my way!



Time for the first major event to occur in Grey Haven! While you are not required to participate in major events, they will always effect your character in some way, so it’s to your benefit to be involved or at least keep informed!

Some very unpleasant people are going to start filtering into town, and while they will be harassing the Information Brokers first (look for the thread, which will be coming soon!), your characters are next! Our very own BB will be NPCing these nasty characters, so if you’re interested in being harassed by them, please post in this thread putting your hand up, or let the mods or BB know.

Soon after the harassment starts up, there will be an OPEN THREAD that will entail a large meeting at the Lodge for all supernaturals (and those friendly with supernaturals), informing them of what’s happening and what the Brokers plan to do about it. This particular event will be causing quite a bit of tension, and we’d really like to encourage everyone to feel free to take sides (you’ll see what sides pan out!) and participate. Once it kicks off, we’re looking at the event lasting a week in-game, but even when it’s resolved, there will be some lasting effects you may enjoy playing around with. We don't want to say much more and spoil it, but we're really looking forward to seeing how your characters react!

Remember, reply to this post or let the Mods/BB know if you’re interested in participating in the first phase of the event! You’re welcome to jump in at any time, but we wanted to make this post as a heads up so you all know that we have something waiting in the wings.

[02 May 2012|05:57pm]

New Character!

Everybody meet Barabas - or as most of your characters will know him, Barney Eldermen. Barney is the Dean of Admissions and professor of philosophy at Grey Haven Community college, has been a resident of Grey Haven for over twenty years, and has only just now come back to the city after being gone a year.

Why was he gone for a year? As most people would know, Barney's wife Selma (a staple of the community and head of the Baptist church choir) died of a heart attack the year before, and Barney took a leave of absence to 'inform the family and properly grieve'. That's half right.

See, Selma (like Barney) was one of the oldest Gold dragons still around. She and Barney (who were mates at one point) were rulers of the Metals for roughly three centuries before they decided to retire in Grey Haven. After her human death, Barney left to inform their offspring and the rest of the known Golds of her passing. He's only just now coming back to town, and needs a lot of catching up.

Personality wise, he's poised and personable, very approachable and a deep thinker. He absolutely loves it when people come to him for advise, and will likely offer it in some shape or form in every conversation. He also likes to entertain and likely will have an 'I'm Home' party for his friends at his cabin on the lake sometime soon.

So lines for him? Thread ideas?

*snoopy dance* [02 May 2012|01:17pm]
As of about 4 hours ago, I am officially free from school until August. OMG I'm crying from happiness. This semester has been a killer. I am ready to get my write on, now though because my visual art creativity is totally tapped right now.

Anyway tldr; who wants to play with these girls? Elisa ([info]musicalgarden is the owner of the B&B and has been in town her whole life. Jane here is new and a bit of a shy chickadee. She's living at the B&B right now, but once she finds a job and stuff she'll probably find an apartment, too. Anyway, they could both use stuff and stuff.

TAGS! [02 May 2012|03:42pm]

I finally remembered to make a bunch of tags, so if you are so inclined, tag your posts! If you don't, the tag fairy will probably be by to do it for you, but the option is there if you're feeling pro-active. If you need a tag added, let the mods know!

Keep up the rad threading, and stay tuned for info regarding the first big game event!

o hai! [27 Apr 2012|09:47am]

BB here!

This is CJ. He's a celestial. CJ has the least creative human name ever. It's more of a title, really, which probably stands for celestial justice or celestial justicar. He's pretty much a bad ass that throws down the law and carries messages.

For those of you who have characters not new to Grey Haven, people may have seen CJ passing through before. He doesn't introduce himself as supernatural, but he can't really help the fact that he carries himself like a robot and has the presence of the Dali Lama. It's really hard not to tell that there isn't something up with him.

While his previous visits have been brief, his plans this time are a little more long term in order to keep up with some of the town's new residents. He'll eat regularly at the Coffee Bean, the diner and go to BAR every night and nurse a single drink while reading philosophy or something. Basically he was sent here to stalk people.

Have fun with that! :DDD

Also he may have feelings for Jack because who doesn't love that sexy old man?

[26 Apr 2012|11:34pm]

Hallo! I'm Crys and it's lovely to meet you all.

I'm bringing in Naiya (Her real name is nigh unpronounceable unless you speak cetacean or cephalopod). She's a brand new arrival rather fresh off the truck, literally in fact. Don't ask what it's like to hitchhike from the coast of California when one is an octopus from the waist down. She's a Cecaelia, think of Ursula from The Little Mermaid but without the crazy, the info for her species is up in the bestiary now.

Naiya is a little disillusioned with her own kind, her own society at the moment and is very interested in learning more about what it's like to be a human. She's the type of person who doesn't talk about her problems. She's shy but friendly and has a tendency to be bubbly and bouncy when she's feeling comfortable in her surroundings.

At the moment she's staying at the Lodge, which is probably good since she's still trying to get her Land Legs in more ways than one. Which means that at the moment, while nimble and dexterous, she's quite clumsy.

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