Grey Haven OOC's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Grey Haven OOC


The Road goes ever on and on

Out from the door where it began.

Now far ahead the Road has gone,

Let others follow it who can!

Let them a journey new begin,

But I at last with weary feet

Will turn towards the lighted inn,

My evening-rest and sleep to meet.

-- J.R.R. Tolkien

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[22 Apr 2012|12:23am]
So I completely forgot to do this.

Cue VERY LATE ooc/character intro. My name is Erin - some of you (most of you?) know me already, so I'll save that part. Sadie here is the important one for the purposes of this post.

Sadie Perkins! She's young, she's quirky, she's Cajun (that means sometimes, she miiiight be a tad difficult to understand). Sadie's story is a sad one, AND a long one, so I'll some it up by saying she's a former baby-vampire who's on the run for her life - which she would just love to keep human, even if that means staying in Grey Haven the rest of it. If you want in-depth details, take a gander at her bio - its all there.

Sadie works at Drake's Diner as a waitress and lives at Lakeside B&B, where she sometimes runs errands or watches the front desk for the Smiths. She can seem nervous around strangers, but *wants* to be friendly with people (that is, she's trying really, really hard to be likable, though she's got some pretty obvious social awkwardness going on). Sadie is drawn to nurturing, protective type folks, but is easily scared off by too-aggressive personalities. She's generous and extremely attentive to the people she trusts, and often will give them little homemade gifts or lean on them when close enough.

My aim is beerandsuckers if you'd like to play with her!

Officially Open! [22 Apr 2012|07:25am]
This is probably a bit late for those of you stateside, but not only is it the 22nd here in Australia, it's also first thing in the morning! Thanks to everyone who joined. We loved reading your apps and the awesome, weird creatures you came up with, and we have some really strong writers from the looks of things. We're all looking forward to getting some threads going, but if you're stumped for interaction with your fellow PCs (breaking the ice can be hard!), don't forget you can solicit the myriad NPCs for interaction. And if you'd like to see an NPC join their ranks, please let the mods know via the drop box or just contacting them directly.

Also note that when BB's character Nancy makes her entrance, there will be a small quake. You can reference it or not in your own threads, but it does happen.

Welcome to Grey Haven!

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