Grey Haven OOC's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Grey Haven OOC


The Road goes ever on and on

Out from the door where it began.

Now far ahead the Road has gone,

Let others follow it who can!

Let them a journey new begin,

But I at last with weary feet

Will turn towards the lighted inn,

My evening-rest and sleep to meet.

-- J.R.R. Tolkien

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Meme fun tiems! [23 Apr 2012|06:38pm]
So this is one of my favorite character memes mostly because I love music, but I also love discovering new music. SO. You should reply to this post with your character's music meme. We can have a meme party. WINNING!

Help! was originally titled 'Eight Arms to Hold You,' you know.

Waking up ; David Bowie - Oh You Pretty Things
Getting ready to go out ; Air - Run
Dancing ; Pomplamoose - If You Think You Need Some Lovin
Flirting ; Jeremy Messersmith - A Girl, a Boy, and a Graveyard
Fighting ; My Brightest Diamond - Something of an End
Feeling good ; Mirah - Apples in the Trees
Having sex ; Joan Baez - It Ain't Me Babe
Introspection ; Kronos Quartet - Dark Was the Night
Nostalgia ; Bono - Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Death scene ; Sara Schiralli - Bang Bang

Okay, so this meme soundtrack totally ended up being emo o'clock but you get the drift. GO DO EET. DO EET NOW. :DDD Look! I even made a little text box if you just want to fill it in all easy like because that's how I roll.

[ viewing | April 23rd, 2012 ]
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