InsaneJournal Graphics
.:.:::...:::. .::::.:.

December 2006
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Tempest [userpic]

So I heard about this from Bri-Bri, so I figured I'd try something new. I think I stuck to the idea alright, but now that I've read it again I see that you wanted, and mine say INSANE JOURNAL. Well, if that is a problem you can let me know, and if there is anything else you want to suggest please let me know.

So here are two ideas I was kind of tossing around.

Give me some feedback--I want to be able to make a logo you like.



i like the second one, he has more of an insane look about him, but id leave out the amputated hand.. just too weird. But the first one has him facing out, which is what i want.

Great Pics!