Gender Switch's Journal
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Saturday, November 10th, 2007

    Time Event
    Notice: Genderswitch C2
    Alright, so I've recently made a C2 on

    This is a multi-fandom, genderswitch only C2, which I made as a way of pulling together the best genderswitch stories out there.  (That way, we don't have to wade through all of the redundant GS to find them.)

    The Other Side of Life

    However, I have a few problems.  Mostly they are that I only have a few fandoms that I myself follow, and outside of them, I have no way of knowing what is good, and what isn't; or even if there is any genderswitch for fandoms outside of those.  So, I'm asking that if you have (or know of) a GS fic in your fandom, and it is posted on, please let me know!  What I'm looking for, is a well written, well characterized story with an original plot- everything else would be up to your discretion.

    Also, if any of you have an account and would like to become staff, again send me a message!

    Thanks for any help!

    Current Mood: calm

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