F.F.F. - Funny Fan Fiction

Laugh till you are as blue as Violet Beauregard

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F.F.F - Funny Fan Fiction


April 2nd, 2009

slightly silly ST rec

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Waxing Moon

Spock, Kirk, depilatory wax... you get the idea
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September 23rd, 2007

A Few More

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My eye has been twitching for a day and a half now. My lower eyelid is pulsing and wiggling around like it's on crack. I'm not on crack. Just my eyelid is. So if this stuff makes no sense it's because I can't see right. The screen and keyboard are jumping around with the quivering of my crackhead eyelid.

Anyway. A few more recs, this time from good 'ol Star Trek TOS. kirk/spock

T'Gin recommends:
The Trouble With Quimmies by T'Guess & Saavant This is as cracked out as my eyelid. Out Of Character dick and fart jokes written into the Trouble with Tribbles. Awesome. Silly Scale: really rather silly
and There Is No Place Like Home by T'Guess Same sort of thing, different episodes. Silly Scale: monstrously silly
and Small Packages by T. Jonesy This is a wild ride. Kirk and Bones have a bet going concerning a certain Vulcan. Not even slightly realistic to the series but a lot of fun. One of the best kirk/spock fics I've ever read. Silly Scale: HAHAHAHHAHA
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