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There Was Crack, and It Was Good.

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Fanfic: Tennis and Kissing [Momo/An] [Jan. 9th, 2009|08:58 pm]

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Title: Tennis and Kissing
Author/Artist: [info]kalamity_kat
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Pairing: Momoshiro Takeshi/An Tachibana
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I do not own the Prince of Tennis characters, Konomi-sensei does. I am not making any profit from this--please don't sue.
Warnings: Can you say sap? And het. OOCness, though I hope not much. u_u

Fanart Preview: Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Momo likes cute girls, but he thinks he likes An best of them all. )

Fanart as a bonus: maybe a bit on the suggestive side, so not completely worksafe. :/ )
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RPG: WK/FMA Crossover Pt.05 [Oct. 23rd, 2006|01:45 pm]

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[Current Mood |anxious]
[Current Music |Cobra Starship - Snakes on a Plane (Bring It)]

Title: Untitled
Authors: [info]miska158 and [info]kalamitykat
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist and Weiss Kreuz
Pairings: Aya/Yohji, Ken/Schuldig, Roy/Ed, Brad/Maes
Length: several chapters, still pretty much unfinished
Rating: NC-17-ish in some parts for buttsmex ^___^
Warnings: None, if you don't consider OOC-ness, gayness,
Notes: MSN chat that sort of mutated into this. ♥
Disclaimer: We don't own either the Weiss Kreuz or the Fullmetal Alchemist characters. No money is being made, please don't sue. ;_;

Previous Parts: One // Two // Three // Four

RPG under cut. )
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RPG: WK/FMA Crossover Pt.04 [Oct. 23rd, 2006|01:43 pm]

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[Current Mood |contemplative]
[Current Music |Nightmare - Aluminia]

Title: Untitled
Authors: [info]miska158 and [info]kalamitykat
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist and Weiss Kreuz
Pairings: Aya/Yohji, Ken/Schuldig, Roy/Ed, Brad/Maes
Length: several chapters, still pretty much unfinished
Rating: NC-17-ish in some parts for buttsmex ^___^
Warnings: None, if you don't consider OOC-ness, gayness,
Notes: MSN chat that sort of mutated into this. ♥
Disclaimer: We don't own either the Weiss Kreuz or the Fullmetal Alchemist characters. No money is being made, please don't sue. ;_;

Previous Parts: One // Two // Three

RPG under cut. )
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RPG: WK/FMA Crossover Pt.03 [Oct. 22nd, 2006|03:11 am]

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[Current Mood |tired]
[Current Music |Aya Fujimiya - Someday]

Title: Untitled
Authors: [info]miska158 and [info]kalamitykat
Fandoms: Fullmetal Alchemist and Weiss Kreuz
Pairings: Aya/Yohji, Ken/Schuldig, Roy/Ed, Brad/Maes, Riza/Gracia
Length: several chapters, still pretty much unfinished
Rating: NC-17 in some parts for manly buttsmex. ^___^
Warnings: None, if you ignore OOC-ness and widespread gayness. ^_^; Also, the part after the intermezzo was written while I was drunk. And sleep deprived, but that I am always when we RP. But anyways, that's what you can blame for the Ultra Extra Cracky Pairing in this one. ^_^;
Notes: MSN chat that sort of mutated into this. I love this RPG. ♥
Disclaimer: We don't own either the Weiss Kreuz or the Fullmetal Alchemist characters. No money is being made, please don't sue. ;_;

Previous Parts: One // Two

RPG under cut: Maes&Brad, Schuldig/Ken, Riza/Gracia (implied only). (NC-17 for the Schuldig/Ken part.) )
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RPG: WK/FMA Crossover Pt.02 [Oct. 22nd, 2006|01:46 am]

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[Current Mood |sleepy]
[Current Music |YUI - Rolling Star]

Title: Untitled
Authors: [info]miska158 and [info]kalamitykat
Fandoms: Fullmetal Alchemist and Weiss Kreuz
Pairings: Aya/Yohji, Ken/Schuldig, Roy/Ed, Brad/Maes
Length: several chapters, still pretty much unfinished
Rating: NC-17 in some parts for manly buttsmex. ^___^
Warnings: None, if you ignore OOC-ness and widespread gayness. ^_^;
Notes: MSN chat that sort of mutated into this. I love this RPG. ♥
Disclaimer: We don't own either the Weiss Kreuz or the Fullmetal Alchemist characters. No money is being made, please don't sue. ;_;

Previous Parts: One

Preview: Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

RPG under cut: Brad&Hughes and Schuldig/Ken. (NC-17; Schuldig/Ken) )
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RPG: WK/FMA Crossover Pt.01 [Oct. 22nd, 2006|01:26 am]

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[Current Mood |amused]
[Current Music |Saiyuki Opening - Still Time]

Title: Untitled
Authors: [info]miska158 and [info]kalamitykat
Fandoms: Fullmetal Alchemist and Weiss Kreuz
Pairings: Aya/Yohji, Ken/Schuldig, Roy/Ed, Brad/Maes
Length: several chapters, still pretty much unfinished
Rating: NC-17 in some parts for manly buttsmex. ^___^
Warnings: None, if you ignore OOC-ness and widespread gayness. ^_^;
Notes: MSN chat that sort of mutated into this. I love this RPG. ♥
Disclaimer: We don't own either the Weiss Kreuz or the Fullmetal Alchemist characters. No money is being made, please don't sue. ;_;

Preview: Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

RPG under cut. (RATED: NC-17; YOHJI/AYA.) )
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Fic: Untitled WIP [Oct. 21st, 2006|02:45 am]

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[Current Mood |tired]
[Current Music |DJ Sylvain - Stop the World]

Title: Untitled WIP
Author: [info]kalamitykat
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Pairing(s): Shinji/An, Kamio/An, later on Shinji/Kamio/An
Length: a multi-parter, definitely a WIP, unfinished and it will probably remain so.
Rating: PG for some language, I guess. I suck at rating. ;_;
Warnings: Love triangle, homosexuality (well, more bisexuality ^_^;), threesome later on, if I manage to bring the story that far. OOC-ness, especially from Shinji's part. Unbetaed. Also, this fic is unlikely getting finished, so if you hate being left hanging, don't read it. I'm just giving you a fair head's up. ^_^
Notes: All [info]miska158's fault, as always. She made me do it. *ducks*
Disclaimer: The Prince of Tennis characters don't belong to me, but to Konomi-sensei. If they did, they'd be playing less tennis and making more love, if you know what I mean. *shot* Anyway, yes, no copyright infringement is intended, not making any money out of this, please don't sue.

Crappy story under cut. )
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Bleach/PoT/... Crossover RPG Pt. 2 [Oct. 19th, 2006|06:49 pm]

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[Current Mood |embarrassed]
[Current Music |Michael Buble - Home]

Title: Untitled
Authors: [info]miska158 and [info]kalamitykat
Fandom: Prince of Tennis/Bleach/Weiß Kreuz(/Fullmetal Alchemist?) crossover (I swear I'll find a way to squeeze the FMA characters in there as well. XD)
Pairings: Many later on. This is only the beginning, to get the story going.
Length: Many many many more chapters to come. Perhaps. Hopefully. As I mentioned, I ♥ this AU.
Rating: PG-13 for violence for now... I think. Just imagine your favourite tennis boys getting squished by a Hollow. ^_^;
Warnings: Violence and blood (Hollow-attack). Also, slash. ^_^ This was done as a RPG over MSN, so I cleaned up some grammar mistakes and fixed the coding, but I'm sure I've by no means caught all spelling and grammar mistakes. Sorry. v_v;
Notes: We came up with this AU while at McDonalds. It was pouring outside and one thing led to another... Anyway, yes. ♥
Disclaimer: The Bleach/Prince of Tennis/Weiß Kreuz and any other characters from any other fandoms that may be joining us later on and won't be explicity stated as being OCs don't belong to us. We are merely borrowing them and will return them in tact (hopefully). No money is being made out of this, no copyright infrigement is intended.

Previous parts: One

Read more... )
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Bleach/PoT/... Crossover RPG [Oct. 19th, 2006|06:10 pm]

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[Current Mood |amused]
[Current Music |Michael Buble - You and I]

I couldn't help myself--I just love this AU. ♥ *ducks from Kim who probably wants to stab her for posting this*

Title: Untitled
Authors: [info]miska158 and [info]kalamitykat
Fandom: Prince of Tennis/Bleach/Weiß Kreuz(/Fullmetal Alchemist?) crossover (I swear I'll find a way to squeeze the FMA characters in there as well. XD)
Pairings: Many later on. This is only the beginning, to get the story going.
Length: Many many many more chapters to come. Perhaps. Hopefully. As I mentioned, I ♥ this AU.
Rating: PG-13 for violence for now... I think. Just imagine your favourite tennis boys getting squished by a Hollow. ^_^;
Warnings: Violence and blood (Hollow-attack). Also, slash. ^_^ This was done as a RPG over MSN, so I cleaned up some grammar mistakes and fixed the coding, but I'm sure I've by no means caught all spelling and grammar mistakes. Sorry. v_v;
Notes: We came up with this AU while at McDonalds. It was pouring outside and one thing led to another... Anyway, yes. ♥
Disclaimer: The Bleach/Prince of Tennis/Weiß Kreuz and any other characters from any other fandoms that may be joining us later on and won't be explicity stated as being OCs don't belong to us. We are merely borrowing them and will return them in tact (hopefully). No money is being made out of this, no copyright infrigement is intended.

Much crack under cut. )
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Fic: Why Did the Golden Pair Fail? [Oct. 19th, 2006|01:49 pm]

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[Current Mood |melancholy]
[Current Music |Kazuki - Vampire]

Title: Why Did the Golden Pair Fail?
Author: [info]kalamitykat
Fandom: TeniMyu
Pairing: Adachi-centered, pairings mentioned or implied: Endou/Yanagi, Shirota/Endou/Yanagi, Wada/Araki, Zukki/Kaji
Length: One-shot
Rating: Gen
Warnings: None, unless slash squicks you… If so, I have no idea why you’re reading this. O_o; Also, not-betaed. ;_;
Notes: This is my take on why Adachi and Zukki were such a disappointment to the Golden Pair fangirls. Also, it’s dedicated to all the Zukki/Kaji fangirls, because let’s face it… Their love is so true! And Zukki has good taste when it comes to men. ♥
As always, dedicated to Kim. ♥♥♥
Disclaimer: The D-Boys are, obviously, real people, so this is merely a piece of fanfiction (i.e. completely made up by a slash-obsessed fangirl). There is no proof whatsoever that any of the boys is gay or even bisexual, and there’s even less proof that they are anything like they are described below personality-wise—that is based on pure speculation and more wishful thinking than you can imagine can fit into a head of a fangirl. No insult whatsoever is meant to these talented boys, because trust me I adore them beyond what is considered healthy. I don’t know whether the copyright infringement part fits into a RPS disclaimer, but if so, none is intended. Spread the D-Boys love. ♥

Why Did the Golden Pair Fail? )

I know this reads more like a summary than an actual fic, but dammit, I'm sick and tired of looking at it on my computer, so here it is. Plus, this is my sucky way of writing, so there. >_>;
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