FMA's All Pairing Challenge Community for Adults' Journal
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Saturday, December 1st, 2007

    Time Event
    Month 3.1: The Gate
    Ah December, the month of good will, and love. And gifts. And who gives these gifts? Santa? Don't be absurd! Why the Gate of course.

    It's true the Gate doesn't have a belly like a bowl full of jelly, and it's face isn't round, and it's cheek's aren't red. But it does know when you are sleeping… and know when you're awake, and it definitely knows if you've been bad or good…

    And it gives the most marvelous gifts: Knowledge, and free trips to other dimensions, and let's not forget homunculi -- who wouldn't want a homunculus of their own. All it costs in an arm and a leg.

    MONTH 3.2: The GATE

    Many hands make short work )

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