FMA's All Pairing Challenge Community for Adults' Journal
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Friday, August 31st, 2007

    Time Event
    Mod Note: FFQ starts up OCTOBER 1st
    We will be putting up the new month not tomorrow, but rather the 1st of October. This will give me a chance to advertise (spam) and hopefully get a larger number of people on board. This will also give me a chance to look over the TOS for this site and figure out if this community really needs to be screened and locked or not. My personal preference is to have things unlocked so that more people can check it out and perhaps catch the enthusiasm, but after being chased off of one Journalling site, I'm... well... a little gunshy you might say.

    The other reason for delaying a month is personal -- both us mods are going to Kumoricon this weekend and, you know, kinda lame to post up a sign up sheet and not be spending time on it. I also have house guests.

    However starting October 1st we will be beginning back at square 1: Which means it will be Edward month. Whether the months proceed in the same order as last time is up to our modly whims, but since we are just starting up, it seems prudent not to make the bar too high. I think that Archer got shorted badly, and so I plan to put him up a lot sooner this time around.

    We also have a sister community over at Greatest Journal. I encourage people here to also sign up over there as well. If your favorite pairing here has been taken, you can take it on that community instead.

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