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Multi-Fandom Finish-A-Thon

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Final tally [Nov. 6th, 2007|07:19 am]

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[Current Mood | pleased]

On my [info]100quills table I added fics for the following six words:

snow also covered [info]slythindor100's challenge #66


tense also covered [info]slythindor100's challenge #68




[info]phoenix_flies fic was finished. Slytherin Hold 'Em

and my [info]hd_inspired fic is done - but I can't post a link or a snippet

So, I may not win any prizes, but I'm pleased with my results. Especially considering the RL trauma this month included.
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Fic :Slytherin Hold 'Em [Oct. 28th, 2007|03:47 pm]

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Here's our contribution for [info]phoenix_flies.

Title: Slytherin Hold 'Em
Author: [info]sassy_cissa and [info]unbroken_halo
Prompt: Originally Prompt #28: Ron can't sleep. He decides to go for a walk. He decides he probably shouldn't have followed to funny slurping noises coming from Harry's bed. Harry/Draco if the author can stomach the pairing, if not make it a surprise.
Pairing: Draco/Harry, Severus/Draco/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~ 6358
Highlight for Warnings: *AU, humour, fluff, OOC-ness, threesome, voyeurism, exhibitionism, wanking, furniture!sex, dirty talk, blatant over use of poker puns.*
Author's Notes (if any): We made the change of Snape with Ron. Thanks to [info]chiralove, [info]alisanne, and [info]sevs_lil_secret for the betas.

Slytherin Hold 'Em
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The incredible shrinking list [Oct. 24th, 2007|10:45 pm]

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[info]sassy_cissa and I finished our [info]phoenix_flies fic. It's being sent to the beta now and then on to the mods for posting. I'll post a link here when they put it up at the community.

This leaves me with just two fics left on my list. YAY!!
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Update [Oct. 13th, 2007|10:31 am]

[Current Mood | discontent]

I'm moving along slowly. Seems I take two steps forward and one step back. I posted two short fics for my 100quills table on Live Journal, Better Things to Do and Angels and Demons.

I was about 600 words into my hd_inspired fic when I realized it was probably not at all what my person would like, so that's been scrapped and the new one is at about 350 words.

[info]phoenix_flies fic is currently about 1,600 words and waiting for me to add my part. *sigh*

So yeah...two steps forward - one step back.
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Hopefully this will keep me focused [Sep. 21st, 2007|09:14 am]

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[Current Mood | stressed]

I have much more, but accomplishing these will make me feel much better.

Here's my no particular order )
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