Jan. 6th, 2008


Resource Post

List of useful resources by subject. The links here reflect things I've come across or been linked to, so they're not comprehensive. Your comments will help make it bigger and better so please comment with any links you have, no matter how weird or obscure.

Warning Some of the links below are for adults only, use your common sense and do not follow any links which are not appropriate to your age. Most of the category 'Sex' are adults only and *not* worksafe. The same goes for Minotaur's site.

Last Updated - 13/07/08

Animals )
Costumes and Weapons )
Crime )
Food and Drink )
History )
Jobs )
Languages )
Locations )
Medicine, Drugs, and Disabilities )
Military )
Misc )
Mythology and the Supernatural )
Names )
Prehistory )
Reference )
Sex and Sexuality )
Sport )
Terminology & Writing Tips )
TV & Film )
Transport )