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Jan. 1st, 2008 @ 11:59 pm Happy holidays, _afterism! (Luna/Cho, R)
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Title: I Once Was Lost
Author: ???
Recipient: [info]_afterism
Rating: R for implied drug use, implied consensual sexual activity between minors
Length: 1,885 words
Pairing(s): Luna/Cho
Summary: Cho stifled another sob. "What do you want?" "To help you," said Luna, "and to find one of my shoes. I'm still missing just that one."
Warning(s): Drug use. Underage girls. Beware the femmeslash, my reader! The lips that touch, the chromosomes that match!
Note: Written for [info]fem_exchange. The smoking of Gillyweed comes directly from [info]shoebox_project - that was *not* my original idea - so a very special thanks to [info]shoebox_project. If you haven't already discovered the fabulousness that is SBP, go and do so now - after you read this fic. :) My interpretation of what the results are, however, varies from those presented in SBP. Title comes from "Amazing Grace."

I Once Was Lost )

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