June 30th, 2007

[info]nerami_siela in [info]fanficrants

Time for the very first one

*taking a deep breath*

You know... I suck as a writer, some say I am not too bad, but I know better. I mean, English is not my first language, my dictionary is limited, when it comes to grammar I play by ear and there is no way in hell would I post a single thing without spell checking it. Because of all of those reasons, I usually do not notice smaller mistakes and even if logical ones are annoying, I can pretend I did not notice most of those, as well as random Japanese words and phrases. I tend to let those things slide because I know I am far, far away from perfect myself.

With one exception.

There is one word that just leaves me laughing hysterically until I die somewhere on the floor behind the couch when it is used in a smut fic.


I am so sorry, but no matter how high the possibility of a kid using English synonyms such as willy or peepee... that one word is just... no. Seriously. Don't do it if you want me to read your pwp fic without laughing myself to tears. PWP fics are not meant to be entertaining in that way.

Yes, I know that one of the characters you are about to pervert is merely fifteen. But even when he was twelve, I firmly believe he would have rather died than used that word. Trust me, each time you type it out, and you do that at least three times in a paragraph which is already a bad thing, both of the guys get [] this close from accidentally imploding right on top of each other.

*exhaling slowly* now I shall proceed with the emergency protocol in case of brain damage. Right after I stop laughing and pick myself up from the floor.

August 2008

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