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Jon fanmix! [May. 4th, 2008|12:56 am]

[Current Mood | cheerful]

Title: here it is: a fanmix for jon
Series: TDS, TCR
Rating: ... Parental Advisory: Explicit Lyrics?
Format: zip/mp3 at Sendspace (permanent link available on request)

Cross-posted from LJ - go see it over here!
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fanmix, links [Sep. 1st, 2007|01:38 am]

[Tags|, , , ]
[Current Mood |productive]

Happy September, fake news fans! We seem to be in the middle of a two-week hiatus ... anyone else going into withdrawal symptoms, or is it just me?

.. it's just me, isn't it. XD

In case you *are* in need of a fix, I've just posted a TDS/TCR fanmix to [info]mixed_music. (The comm is flocked, but if you enjoy fanmixes, I encourage you to join!) You can also download the mix, unlocked, here at my LJ.

Some links:
  • Less than two days to bid on Stephen's cast!
  • Download three clips from "I Am America (And So Can You)" the Audiobook! (SO. PSYCHED.)
  • Dan Bakkedahl has a MySpace. And a new baby! Who knew? (There's a cute pic of Dan & Jon in his photo album.)

    An observation:
    The CC Insider notes that HBO will not be holding its Aspen Comedy Festival next year. I guess they know when they've peaked. XD

    Anyway, enjoy the mix, enjoy the links, and those of you celebrating Labor Day, enjoy your long weekend! and post to the comm! *poke*
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