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Aug. 2nd, 2010


Las corbatas que atan, translated by [info]sra_danvers
The Ties That Bind by [info]alisanne, Harry Potter, HP/DM

May. 16th, 2010


Which is better?

When talking about knitting, is it better to say:
hacer a punto de aguja, or punto de media?

I'm also having trouble with the term "cotton slub" which is a type of yarn. I know algodon = cotton it's the descriptive term I cannot decide upon.

many thanks in advance.

Jan. 4th, 2010


Spanish Phrase of the Day

la rutina diaria

the daily grind

Jan. 2nd, 2010


Spanish Phrase of the Day

¿Qué ponen en el ciné?

What's on at the cinema?

Oct. 22nd, 2009


Spanish Phrase of the Day

Acabar de + infinitive

To have just done something

Oct. 21st, 2009


Spanish Phrase of the Day

aventura amorosa = love affair

Sep. 29th, 2009


Preguntas y respuestas by arkady_
Universo: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
Personajes, parejas: Helena Cain, Laura Roslin, Cain/Roslin (referencias a Cain/Lee, Cain/Kara y Cain/otros)
Spoilers: 2x11 Resurrection Ship I
Rating: PG-13 (erotismo)
Palabras: 2.762
Argumento: Un rumor las distancia, y tienen que aprender a volver a confiar.
Tabla (BDT): Quiero más Cain.

Sep. 22nd, 2009


word of the day

coqueto - flirtatious

Sep. 8th, 2009


Spanish Phrase of the Day

¿Cuánto cuesta?

Translation: How much is it?

Sep. 7th, 2009


Spanish Phrase of the Day

Sólo curioso, gracias.

Translation: I'm just looking.


Spanish Phrase of the Day

¿Podría ayudarle?

Translation: Can I help you?


Spanish Phrase of the Day

Gafas de sol

Translation: sunglasses


Spanish Phrase of the Day

Por su cuenta

Translation: On their own


Spanish Phrase of the Day

A mi modo de ver

Translation: In my opinion

Sep. 1st, 2009


Spanish Phrase of the Day

Would you like something to drink?

¿Quieres algo a beber?

Aug. 31st, 2009


Spanish Phrase of the Day

What does that mean?

¿Qué quiere decirlo?

Aug. 30th, 2009


ilusionado, adjective
hopeful; excited

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Fics in Spanish

Hello to everyone, I am a girl from Spain, and saw this comm in 'recently updated asylums'.

I'd like to say this seems like an interesting asylum, and that I am at your disponal if you ever have a doubt about the Spanish language, or common expressions.

And, finally, the reason of my post. I have seen that you have posted links to translated fics. But, maybe you would be interested in very good fics that were written directly in Spanish, for those with a more advanced level of Spanish. They're slash, and in various fandoms, mostly Harry Potter.


Spanish Phrase of the Day

Estar afilando con

To flirt with

Estoy afilando con mi novio.


igual, adjective
the same

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