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Jul. 9th, 2010


So, who called for a hero?

Jul. 7th, 2010


Pas de Deux

*surprises Brittany in the music room and leads her through a "spontaneous" routine much like this one*

Apr. 14th, 2010


Okay, muses-- what do you think it'll take for me to convince Mr. Shue what we really need is a dance solo?

Mar. 10th, 2010


So, um, I was watching Danny playing some videogames last night and he put in the one that David and Patrick just did, God of War III? Well, he got to a certain point and, um...

This is what ended up happening.

He got so surprised it didn't work, so he went back and tried again...

He did better, but it was still kinda weird.

So, yeah.

Feb. 8th, 2010


For [info]muse_nymphet

Uhm, K?

I know your thing is "whatever the guy's into, I'm into", but like what's the deal here? Unless you're trying to get Alec (or one of his very cute sons) all hot and bothered, I guess.

Jan. 16th, 2010


Conversation for [info]innocent_touch

Hey, Nessie? You got a couple of minutes?

Jan. 9th, 2010



You're testing me, aren't you? After what I said the last time we talked?

Oct. 7th, 2009


Holy COW it's all boys in here.

Aug. 14th, 2009


Anybody out there? My, uh... I just realized I have no idea what to call Mara partner is out getting supplies on her own, and I am really feeling the urge to find a big group of bad guys I can tear into. Since this wouldn't be a good thing, I'm trying this.

Even though it feels stupid.

Aug. 12th, 2009


Feeling all rusty.

Aug. 11th, 2009


New in town

Is there anyone in this... chaotic collection who knows where I can find a good cup of coffee?

Aug. 5th, 2009


Hey, [info]muse_nymphet

I need a band or DJ recommendation for my next party.


Jess, I'm taking to boat to the mainland-- any requests?

Oh, and it's your turn to pick for movie night.

Jul. 30th, 2009


To: My Crazy Mun

From: Jonny

DUDE. Have you learned nothing? Why do I exist?

Jul. 18th, 2009


Doo bee doo... Yep, it's me.

Jul. 16th, 2009


To [info]loveandbeauty

Hey, Eden-- I know I promised I'd turn over the keys to the mansion, but I swear they're still cleaning up, okay? I've got no idea how those centaur hoofprints got on the ceiling, there's a water nymph who won't stop calling me because I happened to jump naked in the pool and didn't see her (she's a water nymph, duh) and don't get me started on what we caught that one satyr doing. (I'm sure you wouldn't have wanted to keep that couch, anyway.)

Jul. 8th, 2009


posted to craigslist


Have available one Baroque-style writing desk, circa 1825. In unusable but repairable condition, as it did not survive my latest bout of writer's block. Pictures available upon requesting. Taker must provide on transportation through catacombs or sewers.

Please contact O.G., Opera Populaire, Paris, France.

Jul. 1st, 2009


I'm not the bad guy.

May. 20th, 2009


Gabriella? Sharpay?

Either of you remember what we were doing this day?

Apr. 14th, 2009


Love the new look, Ed.

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