Feb. 28th, 2015




Characters: Bard Bowman (bow_man) and Thranduil Woodland (woodland_king), eventual Bardlings
Location: Laketown Wharf
Rating: G
Status: On-going
Summary: The morning after chaos is the perfect time for cupcakes.

As per usual, Bard didn't really need an alarm clock to wake up come morning. Of course, the little bit of light filtering in through the windows. He definitely missed that, and he breathed in deep, rolling away from Thranduil to stretch. It was probably odd that waking up beside the other man wasn't odd at all.

He smiled some to himself, rolling out of bed and heading for the bathroom, going through a quick morning routine before heading out and about to the kitchen to start some coffee for the morning, peeking around in the fridge and freezer to see if they'd need groceries soon.

Feb. 19th, 2015



And once again...

Characters: Bard Bowman ([info]bow_man) and Thranduil Woodland ([info]woodland_king)
Location: Somewhere...
Rating: PG-13 (for some bad assery and stuff~)
Status: On-going
Summary: Just when he was finally set free, the same person who wanted him kidnapped and dead sent new people to finish the job.

Here we go again... )

Feb. 12th, 2015




Characters: Bard Bowman ([info]bow_man) and Thranduil Woodland ([info]woodland_king)
Location: The same little motel in the middle of nowhere
Rating: PG (for now)
Status: Completed | Closed
Summary: Another day of his captivity, he was so close to dying out of boredom when finally the masterminds of this whole scheme decides to call.

Ugh! So bored! )

Feb. 8th, 2015




Characters: Bain Bowman, Sigrid Bowman (and Tilda Bowman if she wants)
Location: The Bowman Home
Summary: It's the weekend finally and Bain is looking forward to spending some quality time with his favorite video game. His sister(s) have other ideas however.




Career Day!

Characters: Bard Bowman and Bain Bowman
Location: The Bowman Home
Summary: It's Career Day at school, and Bain has been tasked by his teacher to write a paper on what his father does for a living. Trouble is, Bain has NO IDEA what Daddy does.

Career...what? )




Characters: Ben Smaug ([info]smaug_the_great and whoever wants to join in
Location: Middle Earth Tavern
Summary: After a long day at work, Ben goes to the MET for his nightly dinner. Yes, even "The Dragon" likes to eat and socialize every once in awhile!




Meeting Again

Characters: Fili Durinson ([info]james_dean) and Tauriel Grace Mormeril ([info]stella_clara)
Location: Iron Hill Brewery and Restaurant
Summary: Tauriel was running an errand for her boss during lunch time and she decided to pass by Iron Hill to buy herself something nice to eat to take back with her to the office. To her surprise, an old friend happened to be working there.

Cause he got that James Dean daydream look in his eyes... )

Jan. 25th, 2015



First Impressions

Characters: Kili Durinson ([info]amralime) and Tauriel Grace Mormeril ([info]stella_clara)
Location: Middle Earth Tavern
Summary: Tauriel had a very stressful day and decided that a drink would help ease it somehow. That is how she finds herself at this local tavern on her way home.

An Ale A Day Keeps The Stress Away... )

Jan. 23rd, 2015




Characters: Bard Bowman and Thranduil Woodland
Location: Some Motel in the middle of nowhere
Summary: The second day of captivity.
WARNING: Thing get hot and heavy wink wink?

He was almost going to miss the quiet of his drive. )

Jan. 17th, 2015



Very very very rude indeed...

Characters: Bilbo Baggins and Legolas Woodland
Location: Some café or...something
Summary: That awkward moment when you spill your cup on the fellow taller than you who looks like he should be off posing for a magazine instead of wandering around a place like this?

Bilbo was never much one for places like this... )

Jan. 4th, 2015




Characters: Bilbo Baggins ([info]ofbagend) and Frodo Baggins ([info]love_in_the_ice)
Location: The Shire Estates
Summary: When Frodo was a small child, his parents were killed in a car accident. This is the story of how he became adopted by his uncle, Bilbo.

Momma... )

Jan. 2nd, 2015




Locations )



Drinking With Strangers

Characters: Bard Bowman ([info]bow_man) and Thranduil Woodland ([info]woodland_king)
Location: Middle Earth Tavern
Rating: PG
Status: Completed
Summary: Thranduil decides to visit his favorite hangout place after work to relieve some stress and to pass time before he heads home. Unlike the usual, however, he ends up talking to a stranger over a couple of beer. Little did he know, he just made the worst decision in his whole life.

Read More... )

Dec. 31st, 2014




Cast List )