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New Fic! [Aug. 21st, 2007|05:17 pm]

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[Current Location |The Pit]
[Current Mood | calm]
[Current Music |HP:POA]

Or rather, a fic fragment, which I've chosen to call a "Moment" in the overall story. I'm participating in the [info]50_elements challenge here on IJ, and this is my first piece for that. If you visit the community, you can get a better idea of what it's all about.

Basically, the bits and pieces I'm writing will eventually fit together into one coherent story (in theory, anyway), but each "moment" is exactly that -- a moment in the story. It can stand alone as a little ficlet, but eventually, it will all be one big mondo fic. (For this first one, I wrote 1000 words -- if I do that for all 50 prompts... well, you can do the math. *G*)

ANYhoo... I'll shut up now. Follow the fake link to the story.

Should Love and Faith Remain I: Dolls - B/A, PG-13, Darkish.
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My Angel 100 Moods Chart [Aug. 11th, 2007|12:21 am]

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[Current Location |North Carolina]
[Current Mood | peaceful]
[Current Music |Firefly: Serenity]

Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel the Series
Claim: Angel the character

Chart Under Here )

If you're not familiar with 100moods, you can find info on what I'll be doing HERE.

Update List:

Completed to August 2007: annoyed, content, curious, embarrassed, indescribable, kinky, sad
08/21/07: Scared
09/13/07: Grateful
10/24/07: Worried
10/31/07: Predatory
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