Aug. 4th, 2008


What counts towards activity:

I figured it would be best to give you an idea how I check activity!

What Counts
1) Private journal entries.
2) Journal entries in personal journals that others can comment on.
3) Commenting on open personal journal entries.
4) Posting AIM logs in [info]dionysuslogs, counts for all those involved in the log.
5) Starting a thread in [info]dionysuslogs and/or responding to a thread.
6) Posting/responding to the online message board for Dionysus members, [info]clubdionysus.
7) Designing icons, layouts and graphics for the community. This takes a lot of time so it only seems fair to reward for it!

What DOESN'T Count
1) Just posting lyrics.
2) Just posting a link.
3) One word posts.
4) OOC posts.
5) Pimping the comm. Sure it is appreciated but it isn't going to keep you active.

How members will be reminded
1) After two weeks of inactivity, the journal in question will be nudged by the handy dandy feature IJ offers.
2) After three weeks of inactivity, a post in the journal will be commented on with a reminder.
3) Also at the three week mark, an ooc reminder will be posted in the OOC community.
4) At week four, inactive members will be removed and a post will be made indicating who was removed.
5) Yes, extensions can be granted but it is going to be a case by case thing. With how many different ways you can stay active in the community, it can't be that difficult to stay active.

As you can see there are lots of ways to be active here! Any suggestions? Any questions?

Edit 08/08/08

Aug. 2nd, 2008


Oh look at the time ...

I'm hitting the road here in about an hour and will be unable to get near a computer until Monday. If you have any questions and/or concerns in regards to the community, direct them to [info]slaveboyleech; my fearless co-mod.

Adds will be done on Monday so if you are one of those watching the community and looking to see if this place is going to die, it will not. Maybe not all of our members are active, but we're working on it. =)

Have a good weekend everyone! =D

Jul. 31st, 2008


Application updated!


Ready to apply? Please make sure you have done the following:
...Put up a first entry, of either a bio or 15 detailed facts.
...Made it clear in your userinfo, your character's sexual preference, and if they are a dominant, submissive, or switch.
...Uploaded at least 3 icons.
...Requested membership here, here, here, and here.

aim sn;
pb; Did you request the PB to be held?
occupation; Do they work at the club? If so, please check and make sure that position is not taken. Did you request a position held?
residence; Do they live at the club? What room? Again, check to make sure it's not taken. If not where do they live?
examples; At least one journal entry and one aim example. Example journals welcomed. Let us know if you prefer to PM your examples.

Comment here with your application. Comments will be screened.


Taken and Held PBs

Taken )
Held )
No anonymous holds. No challenges. Please comment if you want a hold for a dominant, submissive, or switch, if you know. No anonymous holds. No challenges. Please comment if you want a hold for a master, slave, or switch, if you know. Holds last for 7 days.

updated 9/09/08 @ 11am


Layout and Staff Positions Update

Layout )

Staff Positions )

You may comment here with a request a hold on a suite and/or a position at the club.

updated 9/09/08 @ 11am
layout descriptions will be tweaked even more soon


IC Guidelines Update

IC Guidelines )


OOC Rules Update

OOC Rules )