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[Aug 13th, 2022 / 1:18p]

i'm wolf 🐺 and today my daughter told me that i was "the best dad she's ever had." we'll ignore the fact that i'm the only dad she's ever had, or that it was because she had fresh baked chocolate crossaints for breakfast.

with that, tell me all about the last nice thing someone said to you, or you said to someone, or someones dog cause we all know they deserve the most compliments.
49 ⎈

customs [Jan 17th, 2022 / 10:55a]

[ music | 🎢 ]

name is nic. i've been told i spend too much time around dogs so i am trying to remedy that. my last socializing may have been at a mcdonal's playplace... which sounds creepy, but i was ten. tell me your preferred form of socializing?

55 ⎈

customs that i'll possibly remember to check [Mar 16th, 2021 / 8:28a]

talk to me about things big or small that make you happy. for me it's my people. iced cold brew with cashew milk. naps and this lady.
61 ⎈

customs are a good time too [Mar 8th, 2021 / 2:22p]


happy international womens day. which really should be every day but i digress. as someone who works every day to raise two daughters to become strong, powerful and successful women. i tip my hat to all the women who hustle to make it work. tell me about a powerful woman that you celebrate.
125 ⎈

customs too [Mar 2nd, 2021 / 8:43a]

i'm mavi and i've learned that it's not hard to talk me into buying things. i learned this when i finally gave in and bought my daughter one of those fancy blenders so she could make those fancy smoothie bowls that are all the rage on tik tok, that she'd been asking for since forever. it was expensive but the smoothie bowls are pretty good, not to mention too cute to look at? with all that being said, what was your last purchase big or small? are you an impulsive purchaser or do you pour over options and research?
141 ⎈

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