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customs (esp to discuss wandavision bc i am still NOT OKAY.) [Mar 1st, 2021 / 12:07p]

happy (??) monday, fellow bar harborians. i'm vic, and i need to know 2 things:

1) which fictional character are you trading lives w/for one full day?

2) what 1-3 traits or experiences mark the point of no return into adulthood? i.e., what makes you officially all growed up?
113 ⎈

customs! maybe wire? idk. [Feb 28th, 2021 / 6:47p]

hi there, i'm amelia.

if you could chose one person from history to be your invisible friend for a day, who would it be and why? only you could see and hear them, but for a solid 24 hours they'd be right by your side.
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i enjoy a good custom [Feb 26th, 2021 / 9:16p]

hey, i'm bex! shameless plug: i just opened a gallery in town a few weeks ago and you should all check it out. aside from that, i'd like to know something you're truly passionate about. whether it be art, music, or just the entire collection of james bond movies.. everyone's got something, right?
52 ⎈

customs are swell [Feb 20th, 2021 / 3:02p]

i'm nali and it's a wild saturday night for me. i put my son to bed and got in my jammies and in bed by nine pm with some wine and julie and julia on netflix, one of my fav comfort movies. tell me friends, what's something that brings you comfort, big or small.
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customs [Feb 19th, 2021 / 10:22a]

i'm khai and i know it's a question asked a million times before but i'm laid up in bed for the weekend and need some binging reccs while i dive into the last ep of his dark materials
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